rhe Children in the Wfood 
J. Sant, Artist                                      J.J. Chant, Engraver

J7 1LLIAM took his sister Jane by the hand and they walked in 
            fear up and down the wood. "Will the strange man come with

            some cakes, Billy.?" said little Jane. "By and by,
dear Jane," 
said William; and soon after, "I wish I had some cakes, Billy! "
said she. 
They then looked about with their little eyes to every part of the wood;
it would have melted a heart as hard as stone, to, see how sad they looked,

and how they listened to every sound of wind in the trees. After they had

waited a very long time they tried to fill their bellies with blackberries;
they soon ate all that were within their reach. Night was now coming on,

and William, whohad tried all he could to comfort his little sister, at last

wanted comfort himself; so when Jane said once more, " How hungry I
Billy! I b-e-l-i-e-v-e-I cannot help crying-. "     William burst out

a-crying, too; and down they lay upon the cold earth; and putting their 
arms round each other's neck, there they starved and there they died. 
' Child's Own Book of Fairy Tales. "