Troilus and Cressida. 
V. W. Bromley, Artist                             J. C. A4rmtage, Engraver

            P RINCE TROILUS I have loved you night and day 
                  For many weary months. 
            Why was my Cressid, then, so hard to win? 
            Hard to seem won; but I was won, my lord, 
            With the first glance that ever, - Pardon me/- 
            But though I loved you well, I wooed you not; 
            And yet good faith, I wished myself a man, 
            Or that we women had men's privilege 
            Of speaking first. Sweet, bid me hold my tongne; 
            For, in this rapture, I shall surely speak 
            The thing I shall repent. See, see, your silence, 
            Cunning in dumbness, from my weakness draws 
            My very soul of counsel from me. Stop my mouth I 
            And shall, albeit sweet music issues thence. 
            Pretty, i' faith. 
            My lord, I do beseech you pardon me; 
            T'was not my purpose thus to beg a kiss, 
            I am ashamed: 0, Heavens ! what have I done? 
                                 Shakespeare's - Troilus and Cressida.'