duke's service as a page, and soon became 
a great favorite. When Olivia married 
Sebastian (Viola's brother), and the sex of 
Viola became known, the duke married 
her, and made her duchess of Illyria.- 
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night (1614). 
  Orson, twin brother of Valentine, and 
son of Bellisant. The twin-brothers were 
born in a wood near Orleans, and Orson 
was carried off by a bear, which suckled 
him with its cubs. When he grew up he 
became the terror of France, and was 
called "The Wild Man of the Forest." 
Ultimately, he was reclaimed by his 
brother Valentine, overthrew the Green 
Knight, and married Fezon, daughter of 
the duke of Savary, in Aquitane.-YValen- 
tine and Orson (fifteenth century). 
  Orson and Ellen. Young Orson was 
a comely young farmer from Taunton, 
stout as, an oak, and very fond of the 
lasses, but he hated matrimony, and used 
to say, "the man who can buy milk is a 
fool to keep a cow." While still a lad, 
Orson made love to Ellen, a rustic maiden; 
but, in the fickleness of youth, forsook her 
for a richer lass, and Ellen left the village, 
wandered far away, and became waiting 
maid to old Boniface, the innkeeper. One 
day Orson happened to stop at this very 
inn, and Ellen waited on him. Five years 
had passed since they had seen each other, 
and at first neither knew the other. When, 
however, the facts were known, Orson 
made Ellen his wife, and their marriage 
feast was given by Boniface himself.- 
Peter Pindar [Dr. Wolcot], Orson and 
Ellen (1809). 
  Ortel'lius (Abraham), a Dutch geo- 
grapher, who published in 1570, his The- 
atrum Orbis Terrce, or Universal Geography 
I more could tell to prove the place our own, 
Than by his spacious maps are by Ortellius 
            Drayton, Polyolbion, vi. (1612). 
   Ortheris, cockney companion of Mul- 
 vaney. He suffers violently from home- 
 sickness in India.-Rudyard Kipling, Sol- 
 diers Three. 
   Orthodoxy.    When Lord Sandwich 
 said, "he did not know the difference be- 
 tween orthodoxy and heterodoxy," War- 
 burton, bishop of Gloucester, replied, 
 "Orthodoxy, my lord, is my doxy, and 
 heterodoxy is another man's doxy." 
   Orthodoxy (The Father of), Athanasius 
 Orthrus, the two-headed dog of Euryt'- 
 ion, the herdsman of Geryon'eo. It was 
 the progeny of Typha'on and Echidna. 
 With his two-headed dogge that Orthrus hight, 
 Orthrus begotten by great Typhaon 
 And foule Echidna in the house of Night. 
        Spenser, Fa'ry Queen, v., 10 (1596). 
  Ortwine (2 syl.),'knight of Metz, sister's 
son of Sir Hagan of Trony, a Burgun- 
dian.-The Nibelungen Lied (eleventh cen- 
  Or'ville (Lord), the amiable and devoted 
lover of Evelina, whom he ultimately mar- 
ries.-Miss Burney, Evelina (1778). 
  Osbaldistone (Mr.), a London mer- 
  Frank Osbaldistone, his son, in love with 
Diana Vernon, whom he marries. 
  Sir Hildebrand Osbaldistone, of Osbald- 
istone Hall, uncle of Frank, his heir. 
  His Sons were: Percival, "the sot;" 
Thorncliffe, "the bully ;" John, "the game- 
keeper;" Richard, "the horse-jockey;"