370                                APPEN 
Nicodemus (time, Edward III.), Anon. Mir.Pl. 
    (founded on chap. xvi. of the "Gospel of 
    Nicodemus "). 
Nicom~de, 1670, P. Corneille. T.C. 
Nicomedes, 1671, J. Dancer. T.C. (from the 
    .Yiconinde of Corneille). 
Niebehlngen, 1850, Wagner. 0. 
Night Walkers, 1633, Beaumont and Fletch- 
    er. C. 
Night Watcher (The), * Kijrner. C. 
Nine Points of the Law, 1859, Tom Taylor. 
Ninette A la Cour (1710-1792), Favart. O.C. 
Ninus II., 1814, Brifant. T. 
No Cure no Pay, 1794, H. Rowe. Mu.F. 
No Song no Supper, 1790, Hoare. Mu.E. (music 
    by Storace). 
No Wit like Woman's 1657, Greene or Middle- 
    ton. C. 
Noah's Flood, 1679, Ecclestone. Or. 
Noble Choice, 1653, Massinger. 
Noble Gentleman, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. 
Noble Heart (The), 1850, Lewes. T. 
Noble Ingratitude, 1659, Lower. P.T. 
Nobleman (The), 17th., cent., Tourneur. T.C. 
    (The Manuscript of this play was destroyed 
    by the cook of Mr. Warburton, the Somer- 
    set herald). 
Nobody and Somebody, 1606, Trundell. C. 
Noces de Gamache, 1827, Mendelssohn. 0. 
Nonjuror (The), 1717, Cibber. C. (from Moli~re's 
    Tartuffe). (See "Hypocrite.") 
Nonne Sanglante, 1854, Delavigne. 0. (music 
    by Gounod). 
Norma, 1831, Bellini. 0. (libretto by Romani). 
Northern Lass (The), 1632, Brome. C. 
Northward Hoe! 1607, Dekker. 
Not so Bad as we Seem, 1851, Lord Lytton. C. 
Not such a Fool as he Looks, 1869, H. J. Byron. 
Notaire Obligeant, 1650, Dancourt. C. 
Note of Hand, or Trip to Newmarket, 1777, 
    Cumberland. C. 
Notoriety (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. 
Notre Dame, 19th cent., Victor Hugo. D. 
Nouveau Pourceaugnac, before 1822, Scribe. 
Nouveau Seigneur du Village, 1813, Boieldieu. 0. 
Novella, 1653, Brome. C. 
Nozze di Figaro, 1786, Mozart. 0. (See "Mariage 
    de Figaro.") Sir H. Bishop altered this 
Nuit Blanche (Une), 19th cent., Offenbach. O.Bf. 
Nuit de Noel (La), 1848, Reber. 0. 
Nuits Terribles, 1821, St. Georges. O.C 
Nuptials of Peleus and Thetis, 1654, Howell. 
    M. and C. 
Oberon, 1616, Jonson. C. 
Oberon, 1626, Weber. 0. (libretto by PlanchU). 
Oberto di Bonifazio, 1839, Verdi. 0. 
Obstinate Lady (The), 1657, Cokaine. C. 
Octavia (B.C. 58-32), Seneca.  T. (Latin). 
    Adapted by T. Nuce, 1566; acted 1581. 
Octavia, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. 
    Lloyd, 1815). (See "Virtuous Octavia.") 
Octavius (1761-1819), Kotzebue. H.D. 
Octoroon, 1861, Boucicault. D. 
Oden (1756-1829), LUopold. T. 
Odette, 1832, D6add6. D. 
O'Dowd (The), 1880, Boucicault (a version like 
    "The Porter's Knot" of Les Crochets da 
    Pyre by Cormon and Grange). 
(Edipe, 1659, Corneille. T. 
(Edipe, 1718, Voltaire. T. 
(Edipe, 1781, Sacchini. 0. 
(Edipe Rol, 1798, Ch6nier. T. 
(Edipe A Colone, 1796, Ch6nier. T. 
(Edipe chez Adm~te, 1778, Ducis. T. 
(Edipus (B.C. 58-32), Seneca.  T. (Latin). 
    Adapted by A. Nevyle, 1560. 
(Edipus, 1679, Dryden and Lee. T. 
(Edipus at Colonus, about B.c. 407, Sophocles. 
    T. (Greek). Translated by G. Adams, 1729; 
    Potter, 1788; Dale, 1824; Plumptre, 1865. 
(Edipus Tyrannus, about B.C. 425, Sophocles. T. 
    (Greek). Translated by L. Theobald, 1715 : 
    G. Adams, 1729; Potter, 1788; G. S. Clarke, 
    1791; Dale, 1824; F. H. Doyle, 1849; 
    Plumptre, 1865. 
(Edipus Tyrannus, etc., 1820, P. B. Shelley. T. 
(Enone, 1804, Kalkbrenner. 0. 
(Euvres du Demon (Les), 1854, Boule. D. 
Old Bachelor, 1693, Congreve. C. 
Old City Manners, 1777, Mrs Lennox. C. (This 
    is Eastward Hoe reset.) 
Old Couple, before 1641, May. C. 
Old Fortunatus. (See "Fortunatus.") 
Old Heads and Young Hearts, 1843, Bouci- 
    cault. C. 
Old Law (The), 1599, printed 1656, Middleton 
    and Rowley. C. (altered by Massinger). 
Old Maid (The), 1761, Murphy. F. 
Old Maids, 1841, Knowles. C. 
Old Martin's Trials, 19th cent., Stirling. Dom.D. 
Old Mode (The) and the New, 1709, D'Urfey. C. 
Old Sailors, 1874, H. J. Byron. C. 
Old Troop, 1672, Lacy. C. 
Old Wives' Tale, 1590, Peele. C. (Milton's 
    Comus is indebted to this comedy.) 
Oldeastle (Sir John), 1600, Munday and Dray- 
    ton. T. (one of the "spurious plays" of 