Anne Boleyn, 1826, Milman. D.Pm. 
Anne Boleyn, 1850, G. H. Boker. T. 
Anne Boleyn, 1876, T. Taylor. 
Annette et Lubin, 1763-72, C. N. Favart. O.C. 
Afio Despues de la Boda, 1825, Gil y Zarate. 
Antidote (The), 1805, Alfieri. C. 
AntigonA, about B.C. 441, Sophocles. T. 
Antigone, 1631, May. C1.D. 
Antigone, 1633, Rotrou. C1.D. 
Antigone, 1756. Gliick. 0. 
Antigone, 1783, Alfieri. T. 
Antiochus et Clkophtre, 1717, Desehamps. T. 
Antipodes (The), 1633, Brome. C. 
Antiquary (The), 1633, Marmion. C. 
Antonio and Mellida, 1602, Marston. T. 
Antonio and Vallia, 1660, Massinger. 
Antonio, or the Soldier's Return, 1801, Godwin. 
Antonio's Revenge, 1602, Marston. T. 
Antony, 1590, Lady Pembroke. T. 
Antony, 1831, Dumas. T. 
Antony and Cleopatra, 1608, Shakespeare. T. 
Anything for a Quiet Life, 1662, Middleton. C. 
Apocryphal Ladies (The), 1624-1673, Margaret, 
    duchess of Newcastle. C. 
Apollo and Daphne, 1716, Hughes. M. 
Apollo Shroving, 1626, Hawkins. C. 
Apostate (The), 1817, Sheil. T. 
Appearance is Against Them, * Anon. F. 
Appius and Virginia, 1574, R. B-. Mo. 
Appius and Virginia, 1654, Webster. T. Re- 
    vised by Betterton, 1679, and entitled The 
    Roman Virgin, or The Unjust Judge. 
Appius and Virginia, 1705, Dennis. T. 
Apprentice (The), 1751 or 1756, Murphy. F. 
Arab (The), 1783, Cumberland. T. 
Arcades, 1636, Milton. M. 
Arcadia, 1640, Shirley. P1. (based on Sidney's 
Archipropheta, 1547, Grimbold.   T. (Latin, 
    John the Baptist). 
Arden of Feversham, 1592, Anon. H.T. (altered 
    in 1739 by Lillo). 
Argalus and Parthenia, 1639, Glapthorne. P1. 
Ariadne, 1721, D'Urfey. 0. 
Ariane, 1672, T. Corneille. T. 
Ariodante  and   Ginevra, 1582, Anon.   PL. 
    (founded on a story in Orlando Furioso, by 
Aristodemus, 1825, Monti. T. (rendered into 
    French, 1854, by Duplissis). 
Aristom~ne, 1749, Marmontel. T. 
Armgart, 1874, "George Eliot." D.Pm. 
Armida, 1774, Gliick. 0. (libretto by Calzabigi). 
Arminius, 1684, Campistron. T. 
Arminius, 1798, Murphy. T. 
Armourer (The), 1793, Cumberland. C.O. 
Armourer of Nantes, 1863, Balfe. 0. 
Arrah na Pogue, 19th cent., Boucicault. I.D. 
Arraignment of Paris, 1584, Peele. Ct.S. or M. 
Art of Management, 1735, C. Clarke. D.Pc. 
Artaserse, before 1730, Metastasio. 0. 
Artaxerxes, 1741, Gilick. 0. 
Artaxerxes, 1761, Arne. 0. (from Metastasio). 
Artaxerxes, 1831, Dorn. 0. 
Art6mire, 1720, Voltaire. T. 
Arthur (King), 1691, Dryden. 0. (music by 
Arthur, King of England, 1598, Hathaway. P1. 
    (See "Misfortunes of Arthur.") 
Artifice, 1721, Centlivre. C. 
As Cool as a Cucumber, 1851, W. B. Jerrold. F. 
As You Find it, 1703, Boyle. C. 
As You Like it, 1600, Shakespeare. C. (The 
    quarry of this play was Lodge's novel called 
    Rosalynde, 1590.) 
Asdrubal, 1647, Jacob Montileury. T. 
Asinaria, or The Ass Comedy (B.C. 254-184). 
    Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank 
    verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner 
    -and Colman, 1769-74. 
Assignation (The), 1672, Dryden. C. 
Assignation (The), 1807, Miss Lee. C. 
Assommoir (/V), 1878, Zola. D. (See "Drink.") 
Astrma  Appeased, 1797, Olivari (translated 
    from Metastasio). 
At Home, 1818, C. Mathews. E. 
Atalanta in Calydon, 1864, Swinburne. D.Pm. 
Athalia, 1733, Handel. 0. 
Athalia, 1844, Mendelssohn. 0. 
Athalie, 1690, Racine. T. (translated by J. C. 
    Knight, 1822). 
Atheist's Tragedy (The), 1611, Tourneur. T. 
Athelwold, 1732, Hill. T. 
Athelwold, 1842, W. Smith. T. 
Ath~nais (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. 
Athenian Captive, 1838, Talfourd. Cl.Pl. 
Atonement, or Branded for Life, 1863, Mus- 
    kerry. D. (Les Mis&ables of Victor Hugo 
Attila, 1667, Corneille. T. 
Attila, 19th cent., Verdi. 0. 
Attilio Regolo, 1740, Metastasio. 0. 
Atys, 1780, Piccini. 0. 
Auchindrane. (See "Ayrshire Tragedy.") 
Auction of Pictures, 1748, Foote. F. 
Auction (The), 1757, T. Cibber. F. 
Augusto (Ei), 1665, Amore. T. 
Aulularia (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). 
    Translated into blank verse by Thornton, 
    Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-1774. 
Aureliano in Palmira, 1814, Rossini. 0.