Balaam and Josaphat, a religious 
novel by Johannes Damascenus, son of 
Almansur. (For plot, see JOSAPHAT.) 
  Balack, Dr. Burnet, bishop of Salis- 
bury, who wrote a history called Burner's 
Own Time, and History of the Reformation. 
-Dryden and Tate, Absalom and Achito- 
phel, ii. 
  Balafrd (Le), alias Ludovic Lesly, an 
old archer of the Scottish Guard at Ples- 
sis les Tours, one of the castle palaces of 
Louis XI. Le Balafr6 is uncle to Quentin 
Durward.-Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward 
(time, Edward IV.). 
  *** Henri, son of Franqois second duke 
of Guise, was called Le Balafrd ("the 
gashed"), from a frightful scar in the face 
from a sword-cut in the battle of Dormans 
  Balftm', the ox on which the faithful 
feed in paradise. The fish is called Nfin, 
the lobes of whose liver will suffice for 
70,000 men. 
  Balan', brother of Balyn or Balin le 
  Savage, two of the most valiant knights 
that the world ever produced.-Sir T. Mal- 
ory, History of Prince Arthur, i. 31 (1470). 
  Balan, "the bravest and strongest of all 
the giant race." Am'adis de Gaul rescued 
Gabrioletta from his hands.-Vasco de Lo- 
beira, Amadis de Gaul, iv. 129 (fourteenth 
   Balance (Justice), father of Sylvia. He 
 had once been in the army, and as he had 
 run the gauntlet himself, he could make 
 excuses for the wild pranks of young men. 
 -G. Farquhar, The Recruiting     Officer 
   Ba'land of Spain, a man of gigantic 
strength, who called himself "Fierabras." 
--Mediceval Romance. 
  Balatsu-usur, the name given to the 
captive Jew Daniel in Babylon, meaning 
"May Bel protect his life !" 
  Prostrate upon his royal face, prostrate before 
the court, the queen, the people-down like a 
pleading conscience or a suppliant faith, Nebu- 
chadrezzar the Great lay in the dust, and wor- 
shipped him right royally. 
  " Thou art the Master of the Magicians! " said 
the king. "For thou commandest the power of 
thy God and thou controllest the spirit of 
man!" . .. 
  Plain moral purity and religious fervor had 
done for the young man what a lifetime of po- 
litical scheming had failed to do for many a 
grey-headed disappointed adventurer. Then, as 
in all ages, intrigue regarded the success of sin- 
cerity with astonishment.-The Master of the 
Magicians, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps and Her- 
bert D. Ward (1890). 
  Balchris'tie (Jenny), housekeeper to the 
laird of Dumbiedikes.-Sir W. Scott, Heart 
of Midlothian (time, George II.). 
  Baldassa're (4 syl.), chief of the mon- 
astery of St. Jacopo di Compostella.-Don- 
izetti's opera, La Favorite (1842). 
  Bal'der, the god of light, peace, and 
day, was the young and beautiful son of 
Odin and Frigga. His palace, Briedablik 
(" wide-shining "), stood in the Milky Way. 
He was slain by H6der, the blind old god 
of darkness and night, but was restored to 
life at the general request of the gods.- 
Scandinavian Mythology. 
          Balder the beautiful, 
          God of the summer sun. 
               Longfellow, Tegnier's Death. 
   (Sydney Dobell has a poem entitled Bal- 
 der, published in 1854.) 
   Bal'derstone (Caleb), the favorite old 
 butler of the master of Ravenswood, at 