ask if you think a mariner runs by his nose, like 
one of Pathfinder's hounds?" 
  Having by a series of blunders conse- 
quent upon this course, brought schooners 
and crew to the edge of destruction, he 
shows heart by regretting that his niece is 
on board, and philosophy with professional 
pride by the conclusion:- 
  "We must take the bad with the good in every 
v'y'ge, and the only serious objection that an 
old sea-captain can with propriety make to such 
an event, is that it should happen on this bit of 
d-   d fresh water." 
  Capability Brown, Launcelot Brown, 
the English landscape gardener (1715- 
  Cap'aneus (3 syl.), a man of gigantic 
stature, enormous strength, and headlong 
valor. He was impious to the gods, but 
faithful to his friends. Capaneus was one 
of the seven heroes who marched against 
Thebes (1 syl.), and was struck dead by a 
thunderbolt for declaring that not Jupiter 
himself should prevent his scaling the city 
  Capitan, a boastful, swaggering coward, 
in several French farces and comedies prior 
to the time of Molibre. 
  Caponsac'chi (Guiseppe), the young 
priest under whose protection Pompilia 
fled from her husband to Rome. The hus- 
band and his friends said the elopement 
was criminal; but Pompilia, Caponsacchi, 
and their friends maintained that the 
young canon simply acted the part of a 
chivalrous protector of a young woman 
who was married at fifteen, and who fled 
from a brutal husband who ill-treated her. 
-R. Browning, The Ring and the Book. 
  Capstern (Captain), captain of an East 
Indiaman, at Madras.-Sir W. Scott, The 
Surgeon's Daughter (time, George II.). 
  Captain, Manuel Comne'nus of Treb'i- 
zond (1120, 1143-1180). 
  Captain of Kent. So Jack Cade called 
himself (died 1450). 
  The Great Captain (el Gran Capitano), 
Gonzalvo di Cor'dova (1453-1515). 
  The People's Cdptain (el Capitano del 
Popolo), Guiseppe Garibaldi (1807-  ). 
  Captain (A Copper), a poor captain, whose 
swans are all geese, his jewellry paste, his 
guineas counters, his achievements tongue- 
doughtiness, and his whole man Brumma- 
  Captain (The Black), lieutenant-colonel 
Dennis Davidoff of the Russian army. In 
the French invasion he was called by the 
French Le Capitaine Noir. 
  Captain Loys [Lo.is]. Louise Lab6 was 
so called, because in early life she embraced 
the profession of arms, and gave repeated 
proofs of great valor. She was also called 
La Belle Cordi~re. Louise Lab6 was a 
poetess, and has left several sonnets full of 
passion, and some good elegies (1526-1566). 
  Captain ! my Captain! fallen leader 
apostrophized by Walt Whitman in his 
lines upon the death of President Lincoln 
0 Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the 
Rise up! for you the flag is flung, for you the 
    bugle trills; 
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths, for you 
    the shores a-crowding; 
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager 
    faces turning. 
      Here, Captain! dear father! 
      This arm beneath your head! 
      It is some dream that on the deck 
      You've fallen cold and dead.