Parted (1799-1838), Reeve. C. 
Pasquale (Don), 1843, Donizetti. 0. 
Pasquin, 1736, Fielding. C. 
Passionate Lovers (The), 1655, Carlell. T.C. 
Passions (Plays of the), 1798-1812, J. Baillie. C. 
    and T. 
Past Ten o'clock (1771-1841), Th. Dibdin. F. 
Pastorale Comique, 1666, Moli~re. 
Pastor Fido (I1), 1590, Guarini. P. (See 
    "Faithful Shepherdess.") 
Pathomachia, or The Battle of the Affections, 
    1630, Constable. D. 
Patient Grizzell, 1603, Chettle and Dekker. C. 
Patrician and Parvenu (The), 1835, Poole. C. 
Patrician's Daughter, 1841. W. Marston. T. 
Patriot (The), 1784, Charles Hamilton. T. 
Patron (The), 1764, Foote. F. 
Patter v. Clatter (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. 
Pattie and Peggie, 1730 Th. Cibber. Bd.O. 
    (Allan Ramsay's Genile Shepherd reset.) 
Paul, 1836, Mendelssohn. Or. 
Paul Lafarge, 1870, Boucicault. 
Paul Pry, 1825, Poole. F. 
Paul and Virginia (1756-1818), Cobb. Mu.E. 
Paul and Virginia (1755-1837), Favieres. T. 
Paul and Virginia (1768-1844), Mazzhingi. 0. 
Pauline, 1841, Labrousse. C. 
Payable on Demand (1817-1880), Tom Taylor. 
Peace, B.C. 419.  Aristophanes.  C. (Greek). 
    Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 
    1853; Rudd, 1867. 
P~dre (Don), 1857, Cormon. D. 
Pedro de Portugal (Don), 1828, Gily Zarate. D. 
Peep Behind the Curtain, 1767 (ascribed to 
    Garrick and to King). F. 
Pelayo (1749-1811), Jovellanos. T. 
P6lerin Blanc (Le), 1811, Guilbert de Pix6r6- 
P6lopides, 1763, Voltaire. T. 
P~n~lope, 1785, Marmontel. 0. 
Percy, 1777, Hannah More. T. 
P~re de Famille, 1758, Diderot. C. 
Pericles Prince of Tyre, 1609, Shakespeare. T. 
Perjured Husband, 1700, Centlivre. C. 
Perkin Warbeck, 1634, Ford. H.D. 
Perle Noire, 1862, Sardou. 
Perouse (La), 1799, B. Thompson. D. 
Perplexed Couple (The), 1706-1767, Molloy. C. 
Perplexed Lovers, 1712, Centlivre. C. 
Perplexities (The), 1767, Hull. C. (The Adven- 
    thres of Five Hours, 1663, reset.) 
Persa, or The Persian (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. 
    C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse 
    by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and 
    Colman, 1769-74. 
Persian Prince (The), 1682, Southerne. T. 
Persian Princess (The) 1711, Theobald. T. 
Persians (The), B.c. 472, Eschylus. T. (Greek)- 
    Translated by Potter, 1777; Buckley, 1849; 
    Plumptre, 1869. 
Pertarite, 1693, Corneille. T. 
Peter and Paul (1788-1841), Hook. 
Pewterer (The), 1747, Holbery. B.C. 
Phmdra and Hippolytus, 1708, E. Smith. T. 
Phaeton, 1597, Daniel or Dekker. T. 
Pharamond, 17th cent., Calpren~de. T. (trans- 
    lated by Phillips, 1677). 
Pharamond, 1736, Cahusac. T. 
Ph~dre, 1677, Racine. T. 
Phdre et Hippolyte, 1677, Pradon. T. 
Philaster, or Love   Lies a-Bleeding, 1620, 
    Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). T. 
Philenzo and Hippolyta, 1653, Massinger. 
Philip II., 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. 
    Lloyd, 1815). 
Philip von Artevelde, 1834, H. Taylor. D.Pm. 
Phillippe HI., (1764-1881), Ch~nier. D. 
Phillis of Seyros, 1655, Shirley. P1. 
Philoct~te, 1783, Laharpe. T. 
Philoctetes, about B.C. 415, Sophocles.   T. 
    (Greek). Translated by T. Sheridan, 1725; 
    G. Adams, 1729; Potter, 1788; Dale, 1824; 
    Plumptre, 1865. 
Philoctetes, 1871, Warren. Met.D. 
Philosophe sans le Savoir (Le), 1765, Sedaine. C. 
Philosopher's Stone (The), 1850, Tom Taylor. 
Philotas, 1597, acted 1607, Daniel. T. 
Philtre (Le), 1830, Scribe. 0. 
Phcenissea (B.C. 480-406), Euripides. T. (Greek). 
    Translated by Banister, 1780; Potter, 1781; 
    Wodhull, 1782; Morgan, 1805; Giles, 1865. 
    (See "Thebais.") 
Phoenix (The), 1607, Middleton. 
Phoenix in Her Flames (The), 1639, Lower. T. 
Phormio, B.C. 162, Terence. C. (Latin). Trans- 
    lated by Bentley, 1726; Colman the Elder, 
    1765; Barry, 1857; etc. 
Phrenologist, 1835, Coyne. C. 
Phrontisterion, or Oxford in the Nineteenth 
    Century, 1852, Mansel. D. (unfinished). 
Phrosine et M6lidor, 1794, M~hul. O.C. 
Physic Lies a-Bleeding, 1697, Th. Brown. C. 
Piccolino, 1875, Guiraud. 0. (libretto by Sardou). 
Picture (The), 1630, Massinger. T.C. 
Pierce Penniless (Supplication of) 1592, Nash. 
Pierre et Catherine, 1829, St. Georges. 
Pierre le Grand, 1854, Meyerbeer. 0. 
Piety in Pattens, 1773, Foote. F. 
Pilgrim (The), 1621, Fletcher. 
Pilot (The), 19th cent., Fitzball. N.Blta. 
Pinafore (H.M.S.), 1878, Gilbert and Sullivan. 