832                                 APPE2 
  Proportions of the Human Figure, 1866. 
  Roba di Roma, 1863. 
  Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem (The), 1870. 
  Stephanie, 1877. 
Strickland (Agnes), born at Reydon Hall, in 
    Suffolk, 1806-1874. 
  Historical Tales of Illustrious British Chil- 
    dren, 1847. 
  Lives of the Bachelor Kings of England, 1861. 
  Lives of the Queens of England, 1840-48. 
  Lives of the Queens of Scotland, etc., 1850-59. 
  Lives of the Seven Bishops, 1866. 
  Patriotic Songs, 1825. 
Suckling (Sir John), born at Whitton, in Mid- 
    dlesex, 1609-1641. 
  Account of Religion by Reason (An). 
  Four Plays, 1646. 
  Session of the Poets (A), 1636. 
  Songs and Ballads. 
Swift (Jonathan), born at Du lin, 1667-1745. 
  Arguments for the Abolition of Christianity, 
  Battle of the Books, 1704. 
  Baucis and Philemon, 1710. 
  Bella Punica, or the Art. of Punning, 1719. 
  Cadenus and Vanessa, 1713. 
  City Shower described, 1710. 
  Directions to Servants, 1729. 
  Drapier's Letters, 1724. 
  Gulliver's Travels, 1726. 
  History of the Last Four Years of Queen 
    Anne, 1728. 
  Polite Conversation, 1738. 
  Predictions of Isaac Bickerstaff, 1708. 
  Stella (To), 1720-26. 
  Tale of a Tub, 1704. 
  Trip to Dunkirk (A), 1708. 
Swinburne (Algernon Charles), born in London, 
  Atalanta in Calydon, 1864. 
  Blake (William), 1867. 
  Bothwell, 1874. 
  Chapman (George), 1875. 
  Charlotte Bront6, 1877. 
  Chastelard, 1865. 
  Erechtheus, 1876. 
  Essays and Studies, 1875. 
  Mary Stuart, 1881. 
  Note of an English Republican on the Musco- 
    vite Crusade, 1876. 
  Notes on Poems and Reviews, 1866. 
  Ode on the Proclamation of the French Re- 
    public, 1870. 
  Poems and Ballads, 1866; second series, 1878. 
  Queen Mother (The), a play, 1861. 
  Rosamond, 1861. 
  Shakespeare (A Study of),'1880. 
  Siena, 1868. 
  Song of Italy (A), 1867. 
  Songs of the Springtides, 1880. 
  Songs before Sunrise, 1871. 
  Under the Microscope, 1872. 
Taylor (Ann), 1782-1866. 
  Original Poems, 1806. 
Taylor (Bayard), born at Kennett Square, 
    Chester, 1825-1878. 
  At Home and Abroad, 1859, 1862. 
  Book of Romances, Lyrics and Songs, 1851. 
  Byeways of Europe (The) 1869. 
  El Dorado, or Adventures in the Path of Em- 
    pire, 1850. 
  Essays on German Literature, 1880. 
  Home Pastorals, and other Poems, 1875. 
  John Godfrey's Fortunes, 1864. 
  Journey to Central Africa, etc., 1853. 
  Lands of the Saracen (The), 1854. 
  Lyrics of the War of Secession, 1865. 
  Masque of the Gods (The), 1872. 
  Northern Travel, or Pictures of Sweden, Den- 
    mark and Lapland, 1856. 
  Poems of Home and Travel, 1855. 
  Poems of the Orient, 1854. 
  Poet's Journal (The), 1862. 
  Prince Deukalion, 1879. 
  Prophet (The), 1874. 
  Rhymes of Travel, Ballads and other Poems, 
  Story of Kennet (The), a tale, 1866. 
  Travels in Greece and Russia, etc., 1857. 
  Views Afoot, or Europe seen with Knapsack 
    and Staff, 1846. 
  Visit to India, China, Japan, etc., 1855. 
  Voyage to California, 1850. 
  Ximena, and other Poems, 1844. 
Taylor (Sir Henry), 1800-1886. 
  Philip van Artevelde, 1834. 
Taylor (Jane), born in London, 1783-1824. 
  Hymns for Infant Minds, 1818. 
  Poems for Infant Minds, 1806. 
  Rhymes for the Nursery, 1807. 
Taylor (Jeremy), bishop of Down and Connor, 
    born at Cambridge, 1613-1667. 
  Holy Living and Holy Dying, 1651. 
Taylor (Tom), born at Sunderland, in Cumber- 
    land, 1817-1880. 
  Life and Times of Sir J. Reynolds, 1865. 
    *** For his plays, see APPENDIX III. 
Tennyson (Alfred), born at Somersby, in Lin- 
    colnshire, 1809- 
  Aylmer's Field, 1864. 
  Charge of the Light Brigade, 1854.