Bijou Perdu, 1855, Adam. Pt. Pc. (libretto by 
Billy Taylor (1802-1879), Buckstone. 
Bird in a Cage (The), 1633, Shirley. C. 
Birds (The), B.C. 409, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). 
    Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Carey, 
    1824; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. 
Biron's Conspiracie, 1604, Chapman. T. 
Biron's Tragedy, 1605, Chapman. T. 
Birth (1829-1871), Robertson. C. 
Birth of Jupiter, 1797, Olivari (translated from 
Birth of Merlin, 1662, Rowley. C. 
Birthday (The), 1801. C. (from Kotzebue). 
Biter (The), 1705, acted 1706, Rowe. C. 
Black and White, 19th cent., Collins. C. 
Black Domino, 1841, an English version of 
    Scribe's Le Domino Noir, 1737. O.C. 
Black-Eyed Susan, 1822, D. Jerrold. N.D. 
Black Horse (The), before 1620, Fletcher. P1. 
    (See "Palmmon and Arcyte.") 
Black Prince, 1669, Lord Orrery. H.P1. 
Black Sheep (1805-1868), Coyne. 
Blackness, 1616, Jonson. C. 
Blanche of Navarre, 1839, James. P1. 
Blazing Comet (The), 1732, S. Johnson. C. 
Blighted Being (A), 1854, Tom Taylor. 
Blind Bargain (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. 
Blind Beggar of Alexandria, 1559, Chapman. P1. 
Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green, 1592, acted 
    1600, Day. C. (See "Beggar of Bethnal 
Blind Beggar of Bethnal [Bednal] Green (The), 
    1745, Dodsley. C. 
Blind Girl, 1801, Morton. C. 
Blind Lady (The), 1660, Howard. C. 
Bloodie Banquet (The), 1639, R. Davenport. T. 
Bloody Brother,1639, Beaumont and Fletcher. T. 
Blot on the 'Scutcheon, 1843, R. Browning. T. 
Blue Beard, 1797, Sedaine. C.O. (music by 
    Gr6try); 1866. 
Blue Beard, 1798, Colman. Mu.Sp. (music by 
Blue Beard, 1868, Offenbach. O.Bf. 
Blurt, Master Constable, 1602, Middleton. C. 
Boadicea, 1611, Fletcher. T. 
Boadicea, 1753, Glover. T. 
Bohemian Girl, 1844, Balfe. 0. (burlesqued by 
    H. J. Byron in The Bohemian Gyurl). 
Bohemians or Rogues of Paris, 1863, Stirling. D. 
Bohemienne, 1862, St. Georges. O.C. 
Boite d'Argent, 1858, Dumas fils. C. 
Bold Stroke for a Husband, 1782. Cowley. C. 
Bold Stroke for a Wife, 1717, Centlivre. C. 
Bombastes Furioso, 1790, Rhodes. F. 
Bon Fils, 1785, Florian. C. 
Bon M~nage, 1782, Florian. C. 
Bon P~re, 1783, Florian. C. 
Bon Ton, 1760, Burgoyne. C. 
Bon Ton, 1776, Garrick. F. 
Bondman (The), 1624, Massinger and Field. T. 
Bondman (The), 1780, Cumberland. 
Bondman (The), 1846, Balfe. 0. 
Bondman (The), or Love and Liberty, 1719, Bet- 
    terton. C. 
Bonduca, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. T. 
Bonne M~re, 1784, Florian. C. 
Boots at the Swan, 1857, Selby. F. (Dickens's 
    tale dramatized). 
Borderers (The), 1795-96, Wordsworth. T. 
Bothwell, *Ware. T. 
Bothwell, 1874, Swinburne. T. 
Bourgeois Gentilhomme, 1670, Moliere. C. 
Bourgeoises h-la-Mode, 1654, Dancourt. C. 
Bourse (La), 1856, Ponsard. F. 
Bow Bells, 1880, Mr. Byron. D. 
Box and Cox, * J. M. Morton. F. 
Box Lobby Challenge (The), 1794, Cumber- 
    land. C. 
Bradamante, 1580, Gamier. T. 
Braganza (The Duke of), 1775, Jephson. T. 
Bravo (The), 1833, Buckstone. Mel. (Cooper's 
    novel dramatized). 
Brazen Age (The), 1603, T. Heywood. C. 
Breach of Promise (1829-1871), Robertson. C. 
Brennoralt (1609-1641), Sir J. Suckling. T. 
Bride (The), 1640, Nabbes. C. 
Bride (The), 1808, Korner. C. 
Bride of Messina, 1803, Schiller. T. 
Bride's Tragedy (The), 1822, Beddoes. T. 
Brides of Aragon (The), 1823, Beer. T. 
Brier Cliff, 1842, George Morris. D. 
Brigand (The), 1829, Planch6. 
Brighton. (See "Saratoga.") 
Bristowe Merchand (The), * Ford and Dekker. 
Britannia Triumphans, 1637, Davenant. M. 
Britannicus, 1669, Racine. T. 
British Enchanters (The), 1701, G. Granville. 
Briton (The), 1722, Philips. T. 
Broken Heart, 1633, Ford. T. 
Broken Hearts, 1876, Gilbert. T.C. 
Broker of Bogota (1803-1854), Bird. T. 
Brother and Sister, 1633, Ford. T. 
Brother Sam, 19th cent., Oxenford, Sothern 
    and Buckstone. C. 
Brothers (The),1652, Shirley. P1. 
Brothers (The), 1728, Young. T. 
Brothers (The), 1769, Cumberland. C. (based 
    on "The Little French Lawyer," q.v. See 
    "Adelphi "). 
Brutus, about 1690, Miss Bernard. T.