Silent Woman (The), 1609, Jonson. C. 
Silver Age (The), 1613, Thomas Heywood. C. 
Silvia, 1731, Lillo. 
Single Life, about 1835, Buckstone. C. 
Sir Barnaby Whigg, 1681, D'Urfey. C. 
Sir Courtley Nice, 1685, Crowne. C. (from the 
    Mayor Imposible of Lope de Vega). 
Sir Fopling Flutter, 1676, Etherege. C. 
Sir George Etherege's Comical Revenge (1642- 
    1689, Mrs. Behn. C. 
Sir Harry Gaylove, 1772, Miss Marshall. C. 
Sir Harry Wildair, 1701, Farquhar. C. 
Sir Hercules Buffoon, 1684, Lacy. C. 
Sir John Cockle at Court, 1737, Dodsley. F. 
Sir John Falstaff in Masquerade, 1741, S. John- 
    son. C. 
Sir John Oldeastle. (See "Oldcastle.") 
Sir Marmaduke Maxwell, 1827, Cunningham. C. 
Sir Martin Marplot (1592-1670), William, Duke 
    of Newcastle. C. (founded on Moliere's 
Sir Martin Marrall, 1667, Dryden. C. (This is 
    Sir Martin Marplot adapted for the stage.) 
Sir Patient Fancy, 1678, Mrs. Behn. C. 
Sir Richard Grinvile, 1595, Markham. T. 
Sir Solomon, or The Cautious Coxcomb, 1671, 
    Caryl. C. 
Sir Thomas Moore, 1792, Hurdis. T. 
Sir Thomas Overbury, 1726, Savage. T. 
Sir Thomas Overbury's Life and Untimely 
    Death, 1614, Ford. T. 
Sir Thomas Wyat, 1607, Webster and Dekker. 
Sir Walter Raleigh, 1720, Sewell. T. 
Sir~ne (La), 1844, Scribe. O.C. 
Siroe (II), 1728, Metastasio. 0. 
Sisters (The), 1652, Shirley. C. 
Sisters (The), 1769, Mrs. Lennox. C. 
Slanderer (The), 1778, Foote. 
Slave (The), 1816, Bishop. 0. 
Slave Life (1817-1880), Tom Taylor, etc. 
Sleeping Beauty, 1805, Skeffington. Pn. 
Sleeping Beauty, 1840, Planch6. 
Slighted Maid (The), 1663, Stapylton. C. 
Snake in the Grass, 1759, Hill. C. (altered by 
    Buckstone, 19th cent.) 
Society, 1865 Robertson. C. 
Sofonisbe, 1718, Leo. 0. (See "Sophonisba.") 
Soir6e A la Bastille, 1845, Decourcelle. C. 
Soiree d'Auteuil (La), 1804, Andrieux. C. 
Soldier (The), 1649, Lovelace. T. 
Soldier's Daughter (The), 1804, Cherry. C. 
Soldier's Fortune, 1681, Otway. C. 
Soldier's Last Stake (The), 1686-1744, G. Jacob. 
Soldier's Return, 1805, Hook. C. 
Soliman and Persida, 1599, Anon [? Kyd]. T. 
Soliman II. (1710-1792), Favart. O.C. 
Solliciteur (Le), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. 
Solomon, 1748, Handel. Or. 
Solomon, 1748, Klopstock. S.D. (translated by 
    R. Huish, 1809). 
Solomon (King), 1876, Armstrong. T. 
Somnambule (La), 1819, Delavigne. D. 
Sonnambula, 1831, Bellini. 0. 
Sophi (The). (See "Sophy.") 
Sophister (The), 1639, Zouch. C. 
Sophonisba, 1514, Trissino. T. (the first Ital- 
    ian tragedy). (See "Ferrex," etc.) 
Sophonisba, or The Wonder of Women, 1606, 
    Marston. T. (See "Sofonisbe.") 
Sophonisba, 1729, Thomson. T. 
Sophonisba, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by 
    Lloyd, 1815). 
Sophonisbe, 1630, Mairet. T. (imitated from 
    Trissino; the first French Tragedy). 
Sophonisbe (1606-1684), Corneille. T. 
Sophonisbe (1677-1758), Lagrange-Chancel. T. 
Sophy (The), 1641, printed 1642, Denham. T. 
Sorcerer (The), 1876, Gilbert and Sullivan. 
Sorciere (La), 1863, Bourgeois and Barbier. C. 
Sordello, 1839, R. Browning. 
Sosies, 1639, Rotrou, C. 
Sot toujours Sot, 1693, De Brueys. C. 
Spaniard in Peru (The), 1797, Kotzebue. T. 
    (The English version is called Pizarro). 
Spanish Bawd (The), 1631, Fernando de Roias. 
    C. (the longest play ever published). 
Spanish Curate (The), 1622, Fletcher (Beaumont 
    died 1616). C. (based on The Unfortunate 
    Spaniard by Gonsalvo de Cespides). 
Spanish Dollars, 1807, Cherry. M.D. 
Spanish Father (The), 1745-1831, H. Macken- 
    zie. T. 
Spanish Fryar (The), 1680, Dryden. C. 
Spanish Gipsy, 1653, Middleton and Rowley. C. 
Spanish Gypsy, 1865, rewritten 1867, and pub- 
    lished 1868, "G. Eliot" [Mrs. Lewes]. D.Pm. 
Spanish Masquerado, 1589, Greene. C. 
Spanish Rogue (The), 1674, Duffett. C. 
Spanish Student (The), 1845, Longfellow. D.Pm. 
Spanish Tragedy (The), or Jeronimo Mad Again, 
    1603, Kyd. T. (forming pt. ii. to Jeronimo). 
Spanish Viceroy, 1653, Massinger. 
Spartacus, 1746, Saurin. T. 
Spartan Dame (The), 1721, Southerne. T. 
Speculation (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. 
Speed the Plough, 1798, Thomas Morton. C. 
Spoilt Child (The), 1805 (? ) Bickerstaff. C. 
Spouter (The), 1756, Murphy. F. 
Sprigs of Laurel, 1798, O'Keefe. M.F. (music 
    by Shield).