Harvey Birch, the Peddler-Spy 
H ARVEY BIRCH, the peddler, brings his pack of goods to the 
          house and displays its contents. 
          " 'In person the peddler was a man above the middle height,
but full of bone and muscle. On entering the room, he relieved himself of
burden, which, as it stood on the floor, reached nearly to his shoulders,
saluted the family with modest civility .. . Sarab gave but little time for

the usual salutations, before she commenced her survey of the contents of
sack, and, for several minutes, the two were engaged in bringing to light

the various articles it contained. The tables, chairs, and floor were soon

covered with silks, crapes, gloves, muslins, and all the stock of an itinerant

                                                    Cooper's "Spy."