evil work cut short by his death at the 
hands of a man whose wife Reginald has 
lured from her allegiance to her lawful 
lord.- Anne Crane Seemuller, Reginald 
Archer (1865). 
  Region of Death, (Marovsthulli), 
Thurr, near Delhi, fatal, from some at- 
mospheric influence, especially about sun- 
  Regno (The), Naples. 
  Are our wiser heads leaning towards an alli- 
ance with the pope and the Regno ?-George 
Eliot (Marian Evans). 
  Reg'ulus, a Roman general, who con- 
quered the Carthaginians (B.C. 256), and 
compelled them to sue for peace. While 
negotiation was going on, the Carthagin- 
ians, joined by Xanthippos, the Lacede- 
monian, attacked the Romans at Tunis, 
and beat them, taking Regulus prisoner. 
The captive was sent to Rome to make 
terms of peace and demand exchange 
of prisoners, but he used all his influence 
with the senate to dissuade them from 
coming to terms with their foe. On his 
return to captivity, the Cathaginians cut 
off his eyelids and exposed him to the 
burning sun, then placed him in a barrel 
armed with nails, which was rolled up and 
down a hill till the man was dead. 
  *** This subject has furnished Pradon 
and Dorat with tragedies (French), and 
Metastasio, the Italian poet, with an opera 
called Regolo (1740). 
  "Regulus" was a favorite part of the 
French actor, Franqois J. Talma. 
  Rehearsal (The), a farce by George 
Villiers, duke of Buckingham (1671). It 
was designed for a satire on the rhyming 
plays of the time. The chief character, 
Bayes (1 syl.), is meant for Dryden. 
  The name of George Villiers, duke of Buck- 
ingham, demands cordial mention by every 
writer on the stage. He lived in an age when 
plays were chiefly written in rhyme, which served 
as a vehicle for foaming sentiment clouded by 
hyperbol6.... The dramas of Lee and Settle... 
are made up of blatant couplets that emptily 
thundered through five long acts. To explode 
an unnatural custom by ridiculing it, was Buck- 
ingham's design in The Rehearsal, but in doing 
this the gratification of private dislike was a 
greater stimulus than the wish to promote the 
public good.- W. C. Russell, Representative 
Actors.  - 
  Reichel (Colonel), in Charles XI., by 
J. R. Planch6 (1826). 
  Rejected    Addresses,   parodies  on 
Wordsworth, Cobbett, Southey, Scott, 
Coleridge, Crabbe, Byron, Theodore Hook, 
etc., *by James and Horace Smith; the 
copyright after the sixteenth edition was 
purchased by John Murray, in 1819, for 
£131. The directors of Drury Lane The- 
atre had offered a premium for the best 
poetical address to be spoken at the open- 
ing of the new building, and the brothers 
Smith conceived the idea of publishing a 
number of poems supposed to have been 
written for the occasion and rejected by 
the directors (1812). 
  "I do not see why they should have been re- 
jected," said a Leicestershire clergyman, "for 
I think some of them are very good."-James 
  Reksh, Sir Rustam's horse. 
  Relapse, (The), a comedy by Vanbrugh 
(1697). Reduced to three acts, and adapted 
to more modern times by Sheridan, under 
the title of A Trip to Scarborough (1777). 
  Rel'dresal, principal secretary for pri- 
vate affairs in the court of Lilliput, and 
great friend of Gulliver. When it was 
proposed to put the Man-mountain to 