** This is the dramatized version of 
 Sir W. Scott's novel, by Terry (1816). 
 Naeien, the holy hermit who intro- 
 duced Galahad to the "Siege Perilous," 
 the only vacant seat in the Round Table. 
 This seat was reserved for the knight who 
 was destined to achieve the quest of the 
 Holy Graal. Nacien told the king and 
 his knights that no one but a virgin 
 knight could achieve that quest.-Sir T. 
 Malory, History of Prince Arthur. iii. 
 Nadab, in Dryden's satire of Absalom 
 and Achitophel, is meant for Lord Howard, 
 a profligate, who laid claim to great piety. 
 As Nadab offered incense with strange 
 fire and was slain, so Lord Howard, it is 
 said, mixed the consecrated wafer with 
 some roast apples and sugar.-Pt. i. (1681). 
 Nadgett, a man employed by Monta- 
 gue Tigg (manager of the "Anglo-Ben- 
 galee Company") to make private inqui- 
 ries. He was a dried-up, shrivelled old 
 man. Where he lived and how he lived, 
 nobody knew; but he was always to be 
 seen waiting for some one who never ap- 
 peared; and he would glide along ap- 
 parently taking no notice of any one.-C. 
 Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit (1844). 
 Nag's Head Consecration, a scandal 
 perpetuated by Pennant, on the dogma of 
 "apostolic succession." The "high-church 
 clergy" assert that the ceremony called 
 holy orders has been transmitted without 
 interruption from the apostles. Thus, the 
 apostles laid hands on certain persons, 
 who (say they) became ministers of the 
 gospel; these persons "ordained" others 
 in the same manner; and the succession 
 has never been broken. Pennant says, at 
the Reformation the bishops came to a fix. 
There was only one bishop, viz., Anthony 
Kitchen, of Llandaff, and Bonner would 
not allow him to perform the ceremony. 
In this predicament, the fourteen candi- 
dates for episcopal ordination rummaged 
up Story, a deposed bishop, and got him 
to "lay hands" on Parker, as archbishop 
of Canterbury. As it would have been 
profanation for Story to do this in a ca- 
thedral or church, the ceremony was per- 
formed in a tavern called the Nag's Head, 
corner of Friday Street, Cheapside. Strype 
refutes this scandalous tale in his Life of 
Archbishop Parker, and so does Dr. Hook; 
but it will never be stamped out. 
  Naggleton (Mr. and Mrs.), types of a 
nagging husband and wife. They are for 
ever jangling at trifles and willful mis- 
understandings.-Punch (1864-5). 
  Naked Bear (The). Hush! the naked 
bear will hear you ! a threat and reproof to 
unruly children in North America. The 
naked bear, says the legend, was larger 
and more ferocious than any of the species. 
It was quite naked, save and except one 
spot on its back, where was a tuft of 
white hair.-Heckewelder, Transactions of 
the American Phil. Soc., iv. 260. 
    Thus the wrinkled old Nokomis 
    Nursed the little Hiawatha, 
    Rocked him in his linden cradle, 
    Stilled his fretful wail by saying 
  "Hush! the naked bear will get thee!" 
            Longfellow, Hiawatha, iii. (1855). 
  Nakir', Nekir, or Nakeer. (See MON- 
  Nala, a legendary king of India, noted 
for his love of Damayanti, and his subse- 
quent misfortunes. This legendary king 
has been the subject of numerous poems. 
  *** Dean Milman has translated into 
English the episode from the Mahdbhdrata, 