liked.   Thus, when   Misnar (sultan of 
India) mistrusted thb protection of Allah, 
she transformed him into a toad. When 
the Vizier Horam believed a false report, 
obviously untrue, she transformed him 
also into a toad. And when the Princess 
Hemjunah, to avoid a marriage projected 
by her father, ran away with a stranger, 
her indiscretion placed her in the power 
of the enchantress, who transformed her 
likewise into a toad. Ulin was ultimately 
killed by Misnar, sultan of Delhi, who 
felled her to the ground with a blow.-Sir 
C. Morell [J. Ridley], Tales of the Genii, 
vi., viii. (1751). 
  Ullin, Fingal's aged bard, called "the 
sweet voice of resounding Cona." 
   Ullin, the Irish name for Ulster. 
   He pursued the chase on Ullin, on the moss- 
covered top of Drumardo.-Ossian, TeMora, ii. 
  Ullin's Daughter (Lord), a young lady 
who eloped with the chief of Ulva's Isle, 
and induced a boatman to row them over 
Lochgyle during a storm. The boat was 
capsized just as Lord Ullin and his retinue 
reached the shore. He saw the peril, he 
cried in agony, "Come back, come back! 
and I'll forgive your Highland chief;" but 
it was too late, the "waters wild rolled 
o'er his child, and he was left lamenting." 
-Campbell, Lord Ullin's Daughter (a bal- 
  Ulric, son of Werner (i.e., count of 
Siegendorf). With the help of Gabor, he 
saved the.count of Stral'enheim from the 
Oder; but murdered him afterwards for 
the wrongs he had done his father and 
himself, especially in seeking to oust them 
from the princelyinheifitanceof Siegendorf. 
-Byron, Werner (1822). 
   Ulri'ca, in Charles XlI., by J. R. Planch6 
   Ulrica, a girl of great beauty and noble 
 determination of character, natural daugh- 
 ter of Ernest de Fridberg. Dressed in the 
 clothes of Herman (the deaf and dumb 
 jailer-lad), she gets access to the dungeon 
 where her father is confined as a "pri- 
 soner of State," and contrives his escape, 
 but he is recaptured. Whereupon Chris- 
 tine (a young woman in the service of the 
 Countess Marie) goes direct to Frederick 
 II., and obtains his pardon.-E. Stirling, 
 The Prisoner of State (1847). 
   Ulrica, alias MARTHA, mother of Bertha, 
the betrothed of Hereward (3 syl.).-Sir 
W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, 
   Ulrica, daughter of the late thane of 
Torquilstone; alias Dame Urfried, an old 
sibyl at Torquilstone Castle.-Sir W. Scott, 
Ivanhoe (time Richard I.). 
  Ulster (The kings of). The kings of Ul- 
ster were called O'Neil; those of Munster, 
O'Brien; of Connaught, O'Connor; of 
Leinster, MacMorrough; and of Meath, 
  Ultimus Romano'rum, Horace Wal- 
pole (1717-1797). 
  lUlvfagre, the fierce Dane, who mas- 
sacred the Culdees of Io'na, and having 
bound Aodh in iron, carried him to the 
church, demanding of him where he had 
concealed the church treasures. At that 
moment a mysterious gigantic figure in 
white appeared, and, taking Ulvfagre by 
the arm, led him to the statue of St. 
Columb, which instantly fell on him and 
killed him.