Extracts of a Journal written on the Coasts of 
    Chili, Peru and Mexico, 1824. 
  Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 1831-33. 
  Patchwork, or Travels in Stories, 1841. 
  Travels in North America, 1830. 
  Voyage of Discovery to the Western Coast of 
    Corea, etc., 1818. 
Hall (Mrs. S. C.), born in Dublin, 1802-1881. 
  Buccaneers (The), 1832. 
  Can Wrong be Right? 1862. 
  Chronicles of a Schoolroom, 1830. 
  Digging a Grave with a Wine-glass, 1871. 
  Fight of Faith (The), 1868-69. 
  French Refugee (The), 1836. 
  Groves of Blarney, 1838. 
  Ireland, its Scenery, etc., 1840. 
  Lights and Shadows of Irish Character, 
  Lucky Penny (The), 1864. 
  Marian, or a Young Maid's Fortunes, 1840. 
  Midsummer Eve, 1847. 
  Outlaw (The), 1835. 
  Pilgrimages to English Shrines. 
  Playfellow (The), 1868. 
  Prince of the Fair Family, 1866. 
  Ronald's Reason, or the Little Cripple, 1865. 
  Sketches of Irish Character, 1828. 
  Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 1840. 
  Tales of Woman's Trials, 1834. 
  Uncle Horace, 1835. 
  Uncle Sam's Money-box. 
  Union Jack, 1863. 
  Whiteboy (The), a novel, 1845. 
  Woman's Story (A), 1857. 
Hallam (Henry), born at Windsor, 1777-1859. 
  Constitutional History of England, 1827. 
  History of the Middle Ages, 1848. 
  Introduction to the Literature of Europe in 
    the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth 
    Centuries, 1837-39. 
  View of the State of Europe during the Mid- 
    dle Ages, 1818. 
Halleck (Fitz-Greene), born at Guildford, 1795- 
  Poems, 1827, 1835. 
Hamerton (Philip Gilbert), born at Laneside, 
    in Lancashire, 1834- 
  Contemporary French Painters, 1867 
  Etchings and Etchers, 1868. 
  Harry Blount, 1875. 
  Intellectual Life (The), 1873. 
  Isles of Loch Awe, and other Poems, 1855. 
  Life of Turner, 1878. 
  Modern Frenchmen, 1878. 
  Painter's Camp in the Highlands (A), 1862. 
  Rome in 1849, 1849-50. 
  Round my House, 1876. 
  Sylvan Year (The), 1876. 
  Unknown River (The), 1871. 
  Wenderholme, 1869. 
Hamilton (Alexander), born in the Island of 
    Nevis, one of Lesser Antilles, 1757-1804. 
  Federalist (The), begun 1787. 
  Works (in 7 vols.), edited by his son, 1851. 
Hamilton (Anthony, count de), born in Ire- 
    land, 1646-1720. 
  M6moires du Comte de Grammont (a faithful 
    delineation of the court of Charles II.). 
Hamilton (Sir William), born at Glasgow, in 
    Scotland, 1788-1856. 
  Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, 
  Lectures on Metaphysics, 1859-1861. 
Hammond (William Alexander), born at Anna- 
    polis, 1828- 
  Insanity in its Relation to Crime, 1873. 
  Medico-legal Study of the Case of Daniel 
    McFarland, 1870. 
  Military Hygiene, 1863. 
  Over Mental Work, etc., 1878. 
  Physics and Physiology of Sleep (The), 1870. 
  Sleep and its Nervous Derangement, 1869. 
  Treatise on Diseases of the Nervous System, 
Hannay (James), born at Dumfries, 1827- 
  Singleton Fontenoy, 1850. 
Hardy (Thomas), of Dorsetshire, 1840- 
  Laodicean (A), 1881. 
  Far from the Madding Crowd, 1874. 
  Hand of Ethelberta (The), 1876. 
  Pair of Blue Eyes (A), 1873. 
  Return of the Native, 1877. 
  Under the Greenwood Tree, 1872. 
Hare (Augustus John Cuthbert), born at the 
    Villa Strozzi, in Rome, 1834- 
  Cities of Northern and Central Italy, 1875. 
  Days near Rome, 1874. 
  Epitaphs for Country Churchyards, 1856. 
  Memorials of a Quiet Life, 1872. 
  Walks in London, 1877. 
  Walks in Rome, 1870. 
  Wanderings in Spain, 1872. 
  Winter in Mentone (A), 1861. 
Hare (Rev. Julius Charles), born at Hurstmon- 
    ceux, in Sussex, 1796-1855. 
  Guesses at Truth, 1827. 
  Memoir of John Sterling, 1848. 
Harrington (James), born at Upton, in North- 
    amptonshire, 1611-1677. 
  Oceana, 1556. 
Harrison (Frederic), London, 1831- 