Trollope (Mrs. Frances), born at Heckfleld, in 
    Hampshire, 1790-1863. 
  Domestic Manners of the Americans, 1832. 
Trollope (Thomas Adolphus), 1810- 
  History of Florence, 1865. 
  Impressions of a Wanderer in Italy, 1850. 
Tupper (Martin Farquhar), 1810-1889. 
  Proverbial Philosophy, 1838, 1842, 1867. 
Tyndall (John), born at Leighlin Bridge, in 
    Ireland, 1820- 
  Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases 
    and Vapors, 1861. 
  Address to the British Association, 1871. 
  Calorescence, 1865. 
  Contributions to Molecular Physics, 1872. 
  Faraday as a Discoverer, 1868. 
  Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice 
    and Glaciers, 1872. 
  Fragments of Science, 1871. 
  Glaciers of the Alps, 1860. 
  Heat as a Mode of Motion, 1863. 
  Hours of Exercise in the Alps, 1871. 
  Imagination in Science, 1870. 
  Invisible Radiation of Electric Light, 1865. 
  Lectures on Light, 1869, 1872-73. 
  Lectures on Sound, 1867. 
  Lessons on Electricity. 1875-76. 
  Mountaineering, 1861. 
  Notes on Electricity, 1870. 
  Notes on Light, 1871. 
  On Molecular Influences, 1853. 
  Physical Connection of Absorption and Radi- 
    ation, etc., 1861. 
  Physical Phenomena of Glaciers, 1857. 
  Physical Properties of Ice, 1858-59. 
  Radiation, 1861-65. 
  Sounding and Sensitive Flames, 1867. 
  Transmission of Heat through Gaseous Bodies, 
  Transmission of Heat through Organic Struc- 
    tures, 1853. 
  Vacation Tour, 1862. 
Ure (Andrew), born at Glasgow, 1778-1857. 
  Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 
  Dictionary of Chemistry, 1821. 
  New System of Geology 1829. 
  Philosophy of Manufactures, 1835. 
Victoria (Queen), born at Kensington Palace, 
  Early Days of the Prince Consort, 1867. 
  Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the 
    Highlands, 1869. 
  Life of the Prince Consort, 1874-78. 
Walton (Izaak), born at Stafford, 1593-1683. 
   Compleat Angler (The), 1653. 
   Life of Donne, 1640. 
   Life of Herbert, 1670. 
   Life of Hooker, 1665. 
   Life of Sanderson, 1678. 
   Life of Wotton, 1651. 
Warner (Susan), born at New York, 1818- 
  Melbourne House, 1864. 
  Hills of the Shatemuc, 1856. 
  Old Helmet (The), 1863. 
  Queechy, 1851. 
  Wide, Wide World (The), 1849. 
Warren (Samuel), born in Denbighshire, North 
    Wales, 1807-1877. 
  Diary of a Late Physician, 1830. 
  Ten Thousand a Year, 1839-1841. 
Watts (Isaac), born at Southampton, 1674-- 
  Divine Songs, 1726. 
  Hymns, 1707. 
  Moral Songs, 1730. 
Webster (Noah), born at Hartford, Conn., 
  Dictionary of the English Language, 1828. 
Wesley (Rev. Charles), born at Epworth, in 
    Lincolnshire, 1708-1788. 
  Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749. 
  Hymns for Ascension Day, 1753. 
  Hymns for the Nativity, 1750. 
  Hymns for the Resurrection, 1754. 
  Hymns for the Watch Night, 1780. 
  Hymns for the Year, 1756. 
  Works, 1829-31. 
Wesley (Rev. John), born at Epworth, in Lin- 
    colnshire, 1703-1791. 
  Account of the People called "Methodists," 
  Ecclesiastical History, 1781. 
  History of England from the Death of George 
    II., 1776. 
  Letters, 1816. 
Whately (Richard), archbishop of Dublin, born 
    in London, 1787-1863. 
  Elements of Logic, 1826. 
  Elements of Rhetoric, 1828. 
  English Synonyms, 1851. 
  Errors of Romanism, 1830. 
  Historic Doubts, 1819. 
  History of Religious Worship, 1847. 
  Introductory Lectures on Political Economy, 
White (Rev. Gilbert), born at Selborne, in 
    Hampshire, 1720-1793. 
  Natural History of Selborne, 1789. 
  Naturalist's Calendar (The), 1795.