Meaning of History (The), 1862. 
  Order and Progress, 1875. 
Harte (Francis Bret), born at Albany, 1839- 
  Condensed Novels, 1867. 
  East and West Poems, 1871. 
  Gabriel Conroy, 1879. 
  Heathen Chinee (The), 1869. 
  Heiress of Red Dog (An), 1879. 
  Jeff Briggs's Love Story, 1880. 
  Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches, 
  Mrs. Skagg's Husbands, 1872. 
  Poems, 1870. 
  Poetical Works, 1871. 
  Story of a Mine, 1878. 
  Twins of Table Mountain, 1879. 
Hatton (Joseph), born at Andover, in Hamp- 
    shire, 1839- 
  Against the Stream, 1866. 
  Bitter Sweets, 1865. 
  Christopher Kenrick, 1869. 
  Clyte, 1874. 
  Cruel London, 1878. 
  In the Lap of Fortune, 1872. 
  Queen of Bohemia (The), 1877-78. 
  Tallants of Barton (The), 1867. 
  Valley of Poppies (The), 1871. 
Haweis (Rev. Hugh Reginald), born at Egham, 
    in Surrey, 1838- 
  Music and Morals, 1871. 
  Shakespeare and the Stage, 1878. 
Hawks (Francis Lister), born at Newbern, 
  Auricular Confession in the Protestant Church, 
  Commodore Perry's Expedition to the China 
    Sea and Japan, 1852-54. 
  Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of 
    the United States, 1836-40. 
  Egypt and its Monuments, 1849. 
Hawthorne (Julian), born at Boston, Massa- 
    chusetts, 1846- 
  Bressant, 1873. 
  Garth, 1877. 
  Idolatry, 1874. 
  Mrs. Gainsborough's Diamonds, 1879. 
  Saxon Studies, 1875. 
  Sebastian Strome, 1880. 
  Septimus, 1871. 
Hawthorne (Nathaniel), born at Salem, Massa- 
    chusetts, 1804-1864. 
  Blithedale Romance (The), 1852. 
  House of Seven Gables (The), 1851. 
  Life of President Pierce, 1852. 
  Mosses from an Old Manse, 1846. 
  Our Old Home, 1863. 
  Scarlet Letter (The), 1850. 
  Transformation, 1859. 
  Twice-told Tales, 1837. 
Hayes (Isaac Israel), born in Chester County, 
    Penna., 1832-1881. 
  Arctic Boat Journey (An), 1860. 
  Cast away in the Cold, 1868. 
  Land of Desolation (The),'1870. 
  Open Polar Sea (The), 1862. 
Hazlitt (William), born at Maidstone, 1778- 
  Characteristics, 1823. 
  Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, 1817. 
  Conversations of James Northcote, 1830. 
  Dramatic Scorpion (The), 1818. 
  Essay on the Principles of Human Action,* 
  Free Thoughts on Public Affairs, 1806. 
  Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the 
    Age of Elizabeth, 1821. 
  Lectures on the English Comic Writers, 1819. 
  Lectures on the English Poets, 1818. 
  Liber Amoris, or the New Pygmalion, 1823. 
  Life of Napoleon, 1828. 
  Life of Titian, 1830. 
  Memoirs of Holcroft, 1809. 
  Plain Speaker (The), etc., 1826. 
  Political Essays, with Sketches of Public 
    Characters, 1819. 
  Reply to Malthus, 1807. 
  Round Table (The), 1817. 
  Sketches of the Principal Picture Galleries of 
    England, 1824. 
  Spirit of the Age, 1825. 
  Table-Talk, 1821-22. 
  View of the English Stage (A), 1818. 
Hazlitt (William Carew), 1834- 
  Bibliography of Old English Literature, 1867. 
  English Proverbs and Provincial Phrases, 
  History of the Venetian Republic, 1860. 
  Memoirs of W. Hazlitt, 1867. 
  Popular Antiquities of Great Britian, 1870. 
Hecker (Rev. Isaac Thomas), of New York, 
  Aspirations of Nature, 1857. 
  Catholicity in the United States, 1859. 
  Questions of the Soul, 1855. 
Hedge (Rev. Frederick Henry), born in Cam- 
    bridge, Massachusetts, 1805- 
  Prose Writers of Germany, 1848. 
Helps (Sir Arthur), 1817-1875. 
  Brevia, or Short Essays and Aphorisms, 
  Casimir Maremma, 1870. 
  Catherine Douglas, 11843.