A sale of 50 cords of.-fuel wood was made in August to the 
Fords at Hopewell for use in their mining operalions, 
Bntry Surveys. r. u. G. Turley took charge of the entry sur- 
vey party soon after it began field work, in place of Irr. Finne- 
gan, who went to Arizona to t -te charge of a party there. 
At the present time practically all cases ready for survey 
on the Questa District have been covered and Mr. Turley is notr 
writing up the survey notes pending receipt of instructions for 
further cases. 
The last report on possible cases received is from the 
Servilleta District Lnd shows about twelve more cases ready there. 
Certain of the Rangers should become very proficient in the 
natter of 655 reports in the next year or so. 
Settlement. Land Examiner Lee A. Harris loft the carson in 
-gust, hving practically'brought the field Work up to date. 
His reports are now coming into this office for approval. 
There seems to be no end of land on the OQrson which in the 
eyes of some is desirable a-ricultura1ly &A4_ he applications 
have nou reached 665. 
To date the fire record for the Carson shows 7 class "Xi, 
3 Class "B" ;nd 3 Class tCl fires, covering a tottl area of ap-

proximately C5 acres. It is indeed fortunate, especially in 
view of the extraordinarily dry season, that the fires have boon 
kept dctn to this point. We cannot feel by tny means that the 
Carson Plan zf Fire Protection has reached a mamimum point of 
efficiency. There are numerous points to be taken up and reme- 
died before the corzencoment of another fire season. While the 
fire d"anger is considerably reduced now on the Jicarilla and 
Taos Divisions, it is still so dry on the latterand the Area-° 
rilla Division the lookouts cannot yet be abandoned for the 
Fire Protection on the National Forests in this part of 
New Mexico will not have reached a desired point of efficiency 
until a comprehensive, co-operative plan is in operation between 
the Carson, Pecos amd Jemez Forests and the jioarilla Indian 
Reservation, and possibly\the San Juan and Rio Grande Forests 