11or the past three woes there has been but very 
!itb]e "ctjvity arorj the different saw mills on this Forest. 
~c ;::tnoly heavy roads have cor.pletely prevented loging 
ud t]  WLelivery of ties to the railroad. Several of the 
ri~ll ]xoxinr' plenty of logzs in the yards have been able to 
contime sawing, while the other rills have had to close 
down Luhtil  iore favorale oli~nati%- conditions obtain. 
All reports from the Questa District indicate that 
..r. John T. "rrickson intends to shortly begin cutting on 
his sale area of April 24, 1911d Since the agreetient in 
the above case calls for t-e cutting of l,C1O,O,00 ft. B. I:., 
fore ; eptember I, 1912, ir. Erriokson intends to setup two 
mills and promises a live operation. 
Forest Assistant 'rarsh, who was in charge of the 
Reconnaissance party during the summer of 1921, is to be in 
charge of the party the coming suer and is oxpected to 
arrive at Tres Piedras on "ay 1Me 
The Tentative WVorkin, Plan Outline for the Anar- 
illa Division, giving data and inforration obtained by the 
1921 Reconnaissance was received on April %1. 
This worhing plan was made by ::r. *arsh after the 
party disbanded in the fall and forms the basis for the 
proposed Uorhing Plan of this Forest. Ur. !arsh doserves 
much credit for hic untiring efforts in bbinging the Reeon- 
naissance work: which has so far been done on the Carson to 
its hihstandard of efficiency and thoroughness.