be the duty of such officer to open, enter and examine 
all camps, wagons, cars, 8tages, tents, packs, ware- 
houses, stores, out-houses, stables, houses, barns and 
other places, boxes, barrels and packages where he has 
reason to believe any game or fish taken or held in 
violation of this act is to be found, and to seize the 
same.   Any warrant for the arrest of a person shall be 
issued upon sworn complaint, the same as in other crim- 
inal cases, and any search warrant shall issue upon a 
written showing of probable cause supported by oath or 
affirmation, describing the'place or places to be 
searched or the persons or things to be seized." 
"In case Indians or other persons shall engage in 
the hunting or killing of game or fish in violation of 
this chapter, in such number be beyond the reason- 
able power of the Warden or any deputy warden to con- 
trol, or in case of forcible resistance to the enforce- 
ment thereof, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of 
the county in which such violation exists, upon demand 
of the Warden or any deputy warden, to aid him in the 
enforcement of this chapter, and to call to his assist- 
ance at once a sufficient number of persons to enforce 
the same promptly and effectually, or, if by him deemed 
necessary, said Warden or deputy warden may call such 
assistance without the intervention of the sheriff. 
The failure, without good cause, of any person called 
to assist in such enforcement to respond and render 
such assistance shall be deemed a violation of this 
(See also Sec. 7.) 
Article II. 
Secs. 59,-79 deal with parks and lakes for propa- 
gating purposes and commercial propagation of game and 
fish; licenses and fees therefor; trespass thereor 
sales therefrom; posting thereof, etc. 
"All persons or corporations floating logs, timber, 
lumber, ties or poles, in any stream of this state, con- 
taining game fish, shall, for each mile of such streams 
*See Par. 31. 