Under his authority for making seizures (See Par. 
26) the Forest officer should seize as evidence the 
game or parts thereof killed contrary to law which may 
be necessary as proof. 
Forest officers should be extremely careful not to 
force offenders to make confessions out of court.  A 
confession out of court is of absolutely no use as 
evidence if made under coercion, intimidation, induce- 
ment, promise of leniency, advice to tell the truth, or 
any other outside influence whatsoever. 
See Arizona Secs. 10 and 38; New Mexico Secs. 3, 
23, 24, 25, 37 and 57. 
In-all cases of search or seizure, Forest officers 
should exercise great care not to weaken their case by 
assuming an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.  The de- 
fendant should always be given a recei-)t for seizures 
mha. e. 
The state laws of neither Arizona, or New Mlexico 
autlorize the seizure or destruction of firearms. This 
however is not construed to prevent a deputy war. i.m 
where necessary, from temporarily tahing possession of 
firearms for pur-oses of arrest. 
In New Mexico a deputy warden may search for and 
seize game and fish in practically any place (See. 57) 
either with or without search warrant, excent a dwell- 
ing house actually occupied, which can be searched under 