F I S H. 
*Packing Fish Cans: To pack fish cans on a horse, lay 
an extra blanket over the pack saddle.  On this lay a 
piece of canvas big enough to shed the splash and keep 
it out of the saddle blankets. Tie loops of rope through 
the handles of the cans and sling them over the cross 
trees like Kyaxes. 
Then throw the hitch. Any standard hitch will do. 
In throwing the hitch, bring the loops down over the 
top of the cans and behind (not through) the handles, 
twist an "eight" in each loop on the outside of the can 
near the bottom, and loop the bottom of the "eight" 
under the bottom of the can far enough back so that it 
will engage the cinch rope when the hitch is tightened. 
You are now ready to tighten the hitch.   Drav it up 
in the usual manner, taking care not to give the cans 
Go much slant that the water jolts out unnecessarily. 
)After the hitch is tightened, tie a cord across the 
top of the "eight" through the handles so that the 
"eight" will hot disengage them. If you are using tight 
lids, put them in crooked so as to leave an opening for 
aeration. A burlap cap is better. 
.X/hen the packhorse starts, the water will slosh 
badly.  Very soon, however, it will begin a rythmic 
movement in time with the horse's walk. 
-Forest officers are requested to report any improvements 
in this method which they are able to devise. 