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Incnetonwt              h  mngmn       o      pe    Rec . onasncprt 
10I    avonn  e  asw sth to manieventhattheAbase lReconaimpropepry rn 
a*otie     or0     Ap   0ePronllte          of a0,17     S90 
In r onheino it     the maeent aof the Apase Rcnninewassmnoparl yu 
basldouLoldanhd anherihonthequenst is fromionettofie wintludive except that
two rr three miles woe run with a transit over the established Government
Survey, which was unnecessary because the corners had already been located.

2.  Inefficient: Because of lack of experience in handling men under him,
he did not seem to know how to provide for his camp and men, and therefore
he did not get the work done, in my opinion at as small a cost 
as he would have, had he shown the men by his actions that he wanted to provide
well for them, but on the other hand he seemed to try to economize solely
on   uppli s and subsistance, and also in   -opinion he was not aggressive
in his field work as he should have been. My experienoe of eleven or twelve
years in camp is, that those who provide well for their men almost universally
get their work do cheaper than those who strive to cut expenses only along
this line. In other words, who do not provide well for their men can hardly
expect, or demand the same work from the same men who are well provided for.

3.    I do not know what Mr Leopold was doing while in camp. 
4. No. Mr Leopold was very particular and would often go into detail when
I thought it was unnecessary. He seemed to be conscientious and strived to
have the work well done. 
5. Good Points:- Certain sections or tracts were designated arnd assigned
to each member of the party to work and this was done as often as was necessary
and it was a good system of assigning work to the indlividuals composing
the party. 
The party was moved from place to place about the for $t the most convenient
camping places, considering water for camp uses, distances to and from work
and in thip respoct the party was handled as gun& well as could be expected
'1anr.er th  ciroustanl @. 
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