Jioar~lla District. 
Lots of sheep have been cold here this Fallt 
both old Ewes and lamba. It aoen as thoush the cheop >.nen were 
afraid of the winter. The prospects do soon bad. '_here is not 
moh grass, and what thure ir , in not good feed. 
The number of sheep that have gone to the lower country 
for the winter is considerably loss then last year. 
"'hat feow people that have ho..rd of the addition to this 
District, have o::pronsod their opinions very iarmlr in it's 
V ..         C,  gnorect for 
favor, and the most of then are noyr buny getting s gr 
a petition to tako in all tho land to the Lan Juan River, 
raking it the west boundary. Thoe. seen to have groat hope,, that 
this will carry. 
There han boon a party seemingly very much intorostel in 
the tinber on Carraoas  oea, and the larger part of last wol: 
was opent going over the ground and looking for roadxiars up 
the - osa; It begins to loo! at last as if there night be a 
sale made of thin timber. 
Tron Piedras. 
,-The Thprovoeint *,an is busily engaged there days 
in poinding the !:eyo of a aquina Lscrlber. ( pounds ther 
nonohat an if thyor *.ero telephone spiles to be oure, but does 
the best h3 can, the in no inrinont danger of having the title 
ST writton after his n&mo on the Personnel page.) 
\io have a acheme bw which we hope to avoid carrying Wator 
a quarter of a rile nezt year. It is to dig a cistern at each 
of the Forest Service buildings hore, thoreby conEorving approz. 
20.000 gallons of water, which it is expected ill tide us over 
any probable dry spell. 
ih7e water quotion is staring us in tie face right now, 
and wo arc shivering at the prospect of starting to "carr-r" 
our horsec to water within the next few days, and with the 
almost certain prospoot of ooping it errily up for the rent 
of the winter,---no-7 laugh dorniWe. 
an~cr      ~      w hile riding in the hills rocently,fluscho. 
a cov,: of Bob Cats, and killed all four of then, and then Just 
a fow da.ys later, aeconpanied by his Bloodhound " :ed " he 
struc): the spoor of a herd of ':ountain Lione,--- and killed 
all four of then. Going sone-- rthat? 
Eo plan~s to go out sor.tine in the near future-- when not 
overcrowded !iJth other work-- and collect that flock of 
Lobos that have been doing so much dovilment of late, and of 
which no one has boon able so far to bring in a scalp. 
Har!; rrac that the soun4 of timber falling on the Vallocitos Dist.