I underotarnc that ]%. 0. Irwin will ha'vo dhoxfo of most 
of tho ov-ttlo a:1d horsce ru-m ontho northern part of the 
San A-nton'o Diotrict thin season, Which wo are Clad to hoar,, 
since wei bolievo he will salt good, w7hich is an Itom on this 
Quosta Diratriot: 
I.Cz'roll cc-.mo in Wrl.o a lamnb bt--- 
Wo ht-vo boon suffloring from tho onlerr-omont of the oeboz. 
since tho firot of t'Ao month ont m~counit of the arrivc-l of a 
bouincinG ba,,by (;irl. 
d~orI. on the Hamblen oalo and tho Rod River achoolhonoo 
riatorilv'l has~ boon Grea~tly rotdrdoci on a~ccount of bad woalihor. 
Do-xity 3'U:pervisor 7Marsh naid this district a short visit 
dulri-a- tihe latt oa' -- -rt of 7obrv~ry.  Timnbor slo aned rroo 
Uso 'v:or? woro tdo si-bjoots of diCUoos;.:ion. *u-'reo Use -PlnA-2 
for %thjis district xwore ma-pped ort. 4'o fool oure t.VLtrtod 
of o.ar:ii m  ~oli    aro nmuch bottL-or xvidorstood sinco this 
I''ovhioh hava not boon riado ;-ublio a3 roct aro -nmdor 
way towcarda na"-i:-L, z~:otho1' Tiribor -!3clo on thio dietrict. 
This caQo i3 f"or C.11 or v. nortion oif the tinbor one sold to' 
John T, "Urio':oon. Iloro ' hoping that tho plann matorialize. 
3o-:ide in t'jo uim of :,,;,1=0,0 woro votod' by tho R~oc! River 
ohool distriot for t~ia oroetion of a rnodor:n cohoolhorzo 
which is a nmuch :nooclocl improvor-ont. 
A gzrort docl of a-itatine; ic boin5 done to br~iid a 
telep,,hone lti--i co-uoctin- with tho iSorvico line 4t tho mouth 
6f -',heo Se2rbino -..nd o:-,torndinr toflod River town.  T1hisa 
.'ro joct has  j r-rccat doal o.Z" nrit,, bot'h for thoecomnuiity 
the 3orvioe. 
Tao&3 Diotrict: 
!.:nd otill it asnrvs~  Tho Oaha naas in nor trassablo, 
but ho~od ovor 1220 Palo 2'loohaao is still boing,5 travoled. 
-io the Porost IRangor in last mor.Cil rino Cono, wo 
thugt --ri- -lad. como until this let blizzard  acn-*i 
Wo havo had sovoral inqcuirios about aordwood latoly, 
but no ncalotz havo a;J yot boon mado.  In-T~aos, whon tho thor- 
momoto  gondon   tepzioo of" a burro load of wood oo 
LuP acrig 