Albuquerque* New Mexico, 
Deoember 18, 1915. 
PersonAl , leopold, Aldo 
Memo. for Mr. Bronson: 
Mr. Leopold was relieved of his duties as Acting in the office of grazing
in June 1915.   Since that time he has been engaged approximately as follows:
Game & Fish; Term Leases; Inform 
June and July 1915              5%            5%         90% 
August - November 1915         85%            5%         10% 
E1*plans are roughly as follows: December 15 - December 1916    70%     
     25%          5% 
Sditoria! Aseignment. Xr. LeopolA doubts very much 
whether he could handle the editorial work to his own, or even Mr. Graves'
satisfaotion.   While I believe that he is competent to handle it, he has
become so much interested in the Same and fish work that it would probably
be impossible for him to raise the necessary enthusiasm.   This would havo
no bearing on the action to be taken, but it is my oonviotion that enthusiasm
is a sine qua non for any kind of writing*