their sale advertised and expect to move their mill to Capulin 
Canon next month. 
Lewis Lynch, who has been employed as fire guard on the 
Gold Hill lookout, pussod through Taos Monday August 12 on his 
way to his home at Black Lakes. 
Acting Porest Supervisor Leopold visited the Taos District 
last week on official business, 1r. Leopold's younger brother 
accompanied him. Mr. Leopold was met here by W. H.    . Cor. e- 
shall of the Indian Service and several questions of importanoe 
to the .administration of affairs on the Taos District were 
settled in a council called by the Governor of the Taos Pueblo. 
We riere startled last week by a message from the San Antone 
lookout station stating that a fire had been sighted from there 
on the oouthern part of our District. You should have seon us 
hike. It was a false alart, hoever, as no fire could be found. 
Some tourists passing through Questa got a snap shot of the 
Eagle Rock Ranger Station and also of the peculiar animal common 
to that place. In pcssing through Taos these fortunatu tourists 
got a snapshot of the Taos station and of another nnd even larger 
animal of the same species. Wouldn't you like to see the proofs? 
The District news items for the San A1,tone, Vallecitos, Can- 
ilon   and Jicarilla Districte have rot yet found their way to 
he Editor's Cone Basket. The cone crop on these Districts must 
have failed to mnture or be difficult to gather for shipment. 
Assistant District Forester Peck and Supervisor Smith com- 
pleted the inspection of the rxoposod Carson boundary changes 
on August 3, and crossed the Chama to the Jemez Porest on that 
date. Acting Supervisor Leopold and R,=ger Shartaor accompanied 
them as far as the Chupadero Ranger Station and returned with 
the party remuda. 
Assistant Ranger Loveless has been granted leave without 
pay and accepted a position as State Mouiited Police with head-, 
quarters at Chama. The PI12 CONE oxtends best wishes to Mr. 
Loveless in his new position. Forest Gugrd Hager is in tom- 
porary charge of the Jicarilla District and is taking-hold of 
the work in find shape. 
Assistant Renger Jay L, B. Taylor ar! Field Assistant Louix 
Aichberger have joined the Carson Reconnaissance Party, which 
now numbers ten men in all. 
Guards L. W. Lynch and A. C. Alvey have been layed off for 
the summer. 
Temporary Assistant Luna Bergero, who assisted Land Examiner 
Harris in lands work, returned to his home in Santa Fe on 
August 8. Mr. Borgere's cheerful smile and his excellent work 
as draftsman are missed by 2,1r. Harris and the nembers of the 
office force. Lt. Frederic Leopold is now acting temporarily 
as Mr. Harris' assistant. 
Acting Supervisor Leopold attended a boundary conference 
in Santa Pe on August 12.