The chance of headquarters from Antonito to Tres 
Piedras was certainly a wise one. With our three orews 
in the field we would have boon handicapped in handling 
them in a great many ways. 
The cost of equipping and putting them in the 
field would have boon double , besides it would 
have been impossiblo to attend to their wants after 
they were in the field , in supplying them with 
instruments and supplies necossary for their work 
even  at a greater cost, aG promptly as was dono from 
Tree Piedras. 
The following figures will show the reduced 
cost for traveling expenses for the Supervisor,Doputy 
and Forest Assistant, at Tree Piedras as compared with Antonito 
Antonito:   During the month of June the traveling 
oxpenses of these throe members of the Zorvice" l 
The cost for the month of July was ยง5051p with 
greatly increased effectiveness. 
The members of this office are greatly pleased 
with the ohange, and feel that owing to the greatly 
reduced cost of living and expenses incident to keep- 
ing horses, and from the fact that we aro close to 
our work that it is a fortunate mov. 
The surroundings are much more pleasant to those 
that have their hearts in thair work and who are look- 
ing for results as the main objeot, and exouce for 
drawing a SALARY not a PEUsOUr from Une Sam. 
Ve have plenty of good offize rooa,2ooatod in tho 
most exclusive residence portion of the town~planty of 
good pasture for our horoes, and planty of good water, 
besides quite enough soointy to satisfy our oraving in 
this direction.   The people here have treated uc well 
and seems to recognize the fact that we are trying to 
do our work and do it well and they also apprr iate 
our locating horse. 
Ir Ringland visited us and went over tho situation 
with us, and from the enthusiasm dioplayed by him , 
heartily approves our plans for making this the per- 
manont headquarters of the Carson rational Forect, 
and also recognizes the fact that no Mioroproentation 
was made by members of this office when rocomnnndationo 
wore made for the oaangeo 
ON.    * * * * * * * * * 
Some member of the Service ovidontly ruppliod one 
of the newspapers with a copy of thl OOE, which was 
commented upon by that papnr. Ploaso remember that 
this paper is for the use only of the momburs of the 
Service and should not be supplied to outside people.