San .Antono Diotriot:- 
Tho wroatlier continno3 col1d rAthortt rineh onor, I-rp Ihro5 
"'0 hcd'O inchos of -moN7 January 4, N-iichiz iutill on tho 
Cro-und, buit io n.-ot oiaourjh to do any-good, the i-ill -meyi 
hav  bofi rr~ying for more ovOT oinco it foll a;: It is not 
onoiV~h to mahe sleigh-ing gooit and too deep? for tmagonr, to' 
-vor1- in,, -Our tharmomotl'Jo rogistored 290 boloron jand 8t, 
Qand thed ice on-tho crook about for foot above. 
7o igot a oount on our free o rQ~e nt'mits about 'Oho firat 
O'f tho yonr- and found that we, had 1968 dbint 2J3C of themi 
io~snod' in Octob?,,r, 
.1  c&cnvr      uytIhe last- month taking g-razzing 
applicntiono, o6mo of our 1912 pariittooo hateo not mado 
application yot, -probably ducy to bad 7Oathor, About ono 
third of tho pormittooe on this difstricthavo applied for 
private allotmonts for tho comInG' soason, 
Jicarilla Diotrict: 
Thoo coons to be a very largo nitnbor bf pooplo that 
tant 0, permnit on this Distridt for tho sibXar of 11 
byr the, lobksX of thoe tppicationo that a.,o corrin - iz., 
I coco by th6 Dine Cona that the mos't of* the. IRamers 
'6:ft th O AR!1OU hava boon busy withc the Proo Uaw? but from 
zomo causo or athor,7 it haa boon vory alacI: on thia Diotrictb 
probably caod by tho, very ma1nurnbor off poopia that 
live on the. 'orott oretli hro,, thore, in c'nito a nm'Thier 
livo 0o0,0 to tho lino, but thokr to also a good. supply 
of' vwed o-fLf tho, Paroot that in aloadt to their homos: 
than thr, Nwooa on tho Peroct won1C be,,I and I ouposo tis 
is the 6rfiso. 
* The croboing permitO howovor,-aro still hold~.nG their 
own. -To dte, sinco August I thoro, has, boon 91,975 cheep 
and goats crossed the Forest, 
Canji1~n District: 
Quito a f ow7 mining claims arc being stakod out on 
10~rIl Iito Oa'ooek  Tho krind ndquantity ofsVppfo~sd 
rninor~l is not being rnad6 I~aorn by tho dlairaanrs, but -Lrr. 
%orth, the main'-promoter,'i~s said to have loft for the E'a.-t 
on J6,nrary 17 to raise capital and buy a stamp'mill, vhich 
is t'o b6~ installed aad' put to riorl:irftiodiattoby, 
Tho sawmill of Skinno'r atic BJook, opobrating on priv,,to 
ltiftds, oft lower El Rite Crook, has boon clooed down sinco 
IT ovom"Or T. 
Ice on tho, Rio Canjilon is 2-1/2 foot thick now. 
Tho bvtd of vzelvos on'the U~oua-Viojao is rotortod 
'Otill* thbrov but aro spondinGj a ,)oaceablp tiintor, no dam- 
ago boing ropor tad.