The Forester was advised on Yarch 8 by the Colio.. 
itor that under the Enabling Act of the new state, Soctions 
go 1 , 2 and 14  surveyed or unsurveyeds located within the 
boundaries of the National Forests in Arizona are under the 
jurediction of the Forest Service. It was speoificall? 
stted that this decision would not apply to New Nexico 
lands, and the Solicitor's decision as to the-administration 
of the above sections in New :edico Forests is awaltod with 
Int arest. 
The Solicitor also decided that *there Is plainly 
no authority for the Secretary to list any of these sections 
under the Act of June Il, 19OC. 
,,hether land already listed under this Act in un- 
surveyed townships can be filed upon# is a matter which the 
Lwi Department will undoubtedly decide. 
The disposal of tinber on tho Arizona forests on 
sevtions 2, 16, 32 and 36 will be made under the regulations 
affroting all National Forest timber. Already' a sale of 
fivo million and a half feet has been made on the Qoooraino# 
covering a surveyed section 36. Dispos* of timber vader 
free use rerulations can also be-made, as well as under 
tinloor settlement. 
The ranz-o in the above mentioned sections can be 
alletted under the grazir-C regulationst and since thes4 sec- 
tions cannot be leased by the county or territorial authorities 
it will no longor be possible to uco the 3, coctions an a 
basis for seourin, permits under reculation G-41. 
Fron the above you will note that on the Arizana 
forests all forms of Forest administrative work will be 
carried on in connection with sections 2# Up 132 and V 
with the ezoeption of settlement work, where applications 
will be rejected. 
As stated above, the desision of the Colicitor 
only applies to Arizona. 
A sukstantial beginning has been made during the 
past month in the work of permanent boundary pouting. 
Rangero Wilton and Russell have run out the east 
boundary of the Servilleta district four miles north and 
four miles south of Tre8 Piedras, setting cedar posts bearing 
metal signs every quarter mile and at the intersections 
of roads. Acting Supervisor Leopold, Ranger Shearer and 
Guard Lynch, have run out four miles of boundary west of 
Bah Antone mountain, setting posts with metal signs every 
half mile and at road intersections. The value of these 
posted lines in grazing administration has already been 
forcibly illustrated. 
A circulating map showing permanent boundary post- 
ing to date for each district has been started from this 
office, with a view to obtaining a complete summary of the 
present situation. 
W.W.- - ", :