,J now oomo to tho point I havo been trying to ma~ke 
in the foro!3oinf- disonssiov-.  I haveo tried to p~oint oiit the 
necm.t'-7 for clonr, untr.rnrnollod, ..Ad indepondont thi~'ri-r on 
the --a~rt of 3Porent Officers.  On tis potnt i wish to sub~mit 
tuvo nrO:)oS i rU ols: 
f--irst: The conjti~inod progroar of the 6orvico l.ief3 in 
the haxnds of the me;2 whio :i) thus tix: 
1.eod      '2  r1o: iL'. t;.,o boc!t position4 too ob-lervo the 
f.- i. anX mocrit-s of err ',rof7,*-t worz, to Ciroein t~oct clo,*zrtr- 
i. ..i, -oc-1 oil ti Vorest, a. ,'-o studvr jit the best moc'n- for im- 
piroving that ef..'ct, aro oU a  orost 1L.n o r 3 
T 70   vi3 R- ,'rer is the ma-n tOn t   &round.  Tio livoe- there. 
Hois in the poailuion to vroo tho oZ.-Ar',ts of our Wvor', -t o-3l set- 
so--,,- cnd iunder  l )_ circnrns t,_.:ior, ,   it in -those effects Vanrd

cirlos3 ill dotZ.ail a-'C- it i.t :o*V' until the7 aro a-i lied in detail

that they have any offootc.     711-0 ir* theo otm   y toa~;l 
and moaounre a~nd honco to aslld-! c4ld irrirovo.  Tj-o  Oryinor 
sosa L"I   rarv    but lo! a Tlsly       o may hrve a bettor 
chco at aoriolativn data, ncd jmttillr torohrcejone           b 
sov~i :~sbiit xnoct of the1i firrt hand aud ho:2oo most vitral 
pror~ros Lirit ori ..-.,ato o;n Uhoi ilan, r~e iti 
i-In the foregoingC paCes I have tried to prosnit a !.:ind 
of analysis ifaich poiints'ort the objocts of our Worl:, our ag- 
oncios for ;':orforminC- it, the ciremnstancos which tend to ob- 
ncvuro our visiO ,r i tryin- *Uo iurerve itsi of' ot, y   h  oia 
1-%,, -k.1  imnort4nit cource o-. that inprovernent.  Doubtless my pro- 
piton .1xavo somae woak -joints, and the looc.tion of my sample 
nlots r. iC a , be quesitionod--i hope tilat they will be.  In fact, 
why a-ot lot the 1-ino Cone and our *R;.ngor !Vcotinn7s be the occasion 
fAor consetmotivo discussions bly Ell v'o 'r,,et an idea"? 
"rI the next nunbr--weather pormitting--j ho-1o to of- 
for a few thoughts an the evolution of the Servica sinoo the 
Iola dayo'; tho resultin- good changes to bo- fostered, and loso 
g_%  chtnges to be offsot; Ld so.,ie outlines of a few sneo ifio 
current Service problems.   A man feols better to Twot so'o 
theso thing-s once in a Teile. 
"T.e- 'Rost O'*:r-ny, lili.o Egreatness, is desired b--; some, 
while others have it tibrust upon thorn.   I wish i may sooli bo 
excuseod fron the latter claso.V 
"11j bet wishes are extended to avery ma~n on the 
Cv .rzon. 
VoryI sincerely yours, 
(Agn-Xvd)- Alde Yncopold, 
F'orest 3uervtsor.