The Statutory Roll became offective July 1,1911. The following 
indioatos tho ochnges that have taken place in this District on tho 
roll since then. 
" 3Deputy~nrorost Ouporvisors have boon promoted to Forest 
4upervi sor. 
5 Yorest Rangors have been promoted to Deputy Forest Supervisor. 
4Q Forest Rangers have reoeivod promotions in gradoo 
42 clorko have received promotions in grado." 
?lvory one should bear in mind tho instructions contained in 
Ciroulan- 141 of Januar'y 21,rogarding care of inutrumontsand endeavor 
to keep all instruments for which he is rosponsiblo in as good 
oondition as possiblo. 
D I  A B3 U R S E ' 4 E N! T. 
The followrin" is quoted from a District Circular rogarding 
;:oinorandum 17o.1',of January 25,1914 of the Scorotary of Agriculturo. 
"The 1.;omoradum states that General Order No.145,datod April 
2,l -1l,ae amended by Conoral Order Yo.1 -A,datod June l,lV11,is 
further amended by eonorandm o. 05 oo as to provide that saddle and 
tthor animals,not oxceoding throe head, ' jhon used in official work 
and o-nod by omployres of the Department transferod from one official 
atation to another for permanent dutvmay, in addition to Z,500 
pounds of housohold effects and other personal proportybetransforod. 
at Government oxpense." 
N E        ET T Z R 0 
Jicarilla District.   Wintor still continues to hold out herobut 
in Spite of this t-ho stoci are doing very woll. Range that was passed 
by in tho early fall, as worthlessis now boing grazed to its full 
ospaoity -and then ,como. 
The survey party that has boen surveying the land that lios 
wost of the woot lino of Range 5,.1. .P . to the Pino Riverhavo 
poved their camp to the Francosa Canyonand are now doing thoir 
trading nt Rosa. They toll me that the work has boon very slow this 
winter on account of the snow, they having spent more time inside 
their tents than out. 
It looks as if we would have a good grmss yoar the coming 
season, with plenty of water. 
Vallocltos District. Acting Suporvisor Marsh spent two days of this 
-ontho   rgIng over th  Vallecitos Sale area with i.r. Coldron Df tho 
lontczma Lumber Company. 11r. Coidron scoms to be a very business- 
liko  ontlomnn. 
Ranger Porry and Assistant Forost Rangor Stephenson wore on 
this Dtstriot about ton colys,runrxing the South Boundary of the 
Valloot4os Distriotwhioh oor~lotos somothing over ton miles aoro.zs 
the onl unsurvoyod part of our exterior bolumdary. Wo enjoyed our 
" camp life "' a g.-oat doal,as they are both vory oongonial follows

around zampalthough wo ex-Derionood some very cold weather rihile in