7 , \ c      :-'T;' ',4TT WORE 
It continues to be ditinctly fashionable to t,2:e 
Up  a  2rc.t  Eor cuet,  Cl1 rJ.r  on  the  CL.r-on  7ore. ot   2iJve 
hunrod. t.nu ,ixtoen &pliQ-tions aro recorCed! to d ,te, and 
they're utij.. comin,. l,.nd       LarviS h45 been busy 
as usuaJl in his own quiet, effoctivo, y, anC reports tLt 
the June 11 ex:zmin4tions on the 23a 4ntone znd Vql.leoitos 
Districts &re all Ulecned up to date. Ie is nov on the 
Cz.njilon District, 4nd from there will n.e L trip to the 
Jicarilla country, ,hich has sudeCnly sprung into prominence 
ts &-proposs agriculturul region. At leat the homesteaders 
promise thtft such is to be the case. 
In & letter dt-te  .u-ut 50, the District :'oiester 
calls t-ttentior to the fact th.t the mile limit for the 
dimensions of a June 11 cl~Am, holds not only for tihe 
careinal pointZ of the cp4aCs, out for iP aireetion. 
Hereafter no reports recommendin  for listinr  reas having 
any dimension in e9 oeas of one mile, will not be accepted. 
All June 11 reports ShoulC hereafter include a 
statement of power possibilitiec in accorc.cnoe with Ciroular 
L. 3ettlement .)f Augu~t 2, 1911, 
The Boundiry Crew, in oh.rge of 2oreit 0u4..rd Go&rrd, 
is now cLmped near 1-1e Post #l on the north end of C..njilon 
ountein, hvin; retraced cxn posted the Tierra anrailla 
Gront line to th~t point, and also run . number of b&ase-lines 
aoross unsurveyed town6hip  for the use of the Reconnaissnce 
Crew in cruisin[., 
The trunk telephone line has been tied in to the 
S.n Antone Station, end every District 1ieaoQutrters except 
the Jio .rillu iQ now In dixect connection with this oflice, 
A totUl of 34 miles of line hz.o been ccnstructed this year. 
The line ore are nov.: extending, the line fro.n San 
Antone 3t tion to the top of 'Ln Antone L!"untain. The poles 
for the entiye e--tension are cut cnd ltid down, but the 
boys re finding that certain of the mesas to be crosseC are 
constructed of concentrateC m&lpals, whose native disposition 
is peculiarly ho~tile to nicks Lnd crowbt.rs. However, they 
will Pet there by nO by. 
Poles for the C jilon I-ookout line, an  for the 
Canjilon extension to connect with the Chama-EspnolL line, 
ure being cut under contract unCer the siprvision of Rnger 
Two cast-iron telephone sets, of the kind use( in 
mines, h&ve been purchased for the CanJilon anC Sn ,intone 
Lookout   - These a.re so constructed ao to be locked and to 
resist .1ll kinds of airect exposure to the weither. The only 
thIng 0.ey ill not resist is the 30-30 bullet of some pass- 
ng. heepherder, However, those gentlemen will be aCvised,