Serviilota Districts: 
Things haove now boeui to arrango themselves on the 
3ovilleta District in Cush a way thIt more work can be 
accomplished with a much =allor percent of lost motion 
than at first. 
During D-combor and January the Freo Use business 
assumod quito lc.rge proportions, but recently it has re- 
quired vary little attention. 
ThQro have boon qtito -.number of small wvood ana. post 
sales at Sorvillota rooently, and the prospects aro good 
for naking more soon. The dbst of 4drinistering these 
salos is vory low rs the matbial is mostly dead and is 
piled for counting or moastrcmont only c. f w yards from 
th. Rargor Station. 
Unporzaittoi sheep have beon crowdiLng thu South bound- 
ary protty close for the past month and two trespass oases 
havo resulted. On the 14th ane. lth of this month Rangor 
DLrr:;h and I fownd five bands in trespass :ast of Ojo Cal- 
lonto, but a~s oacir of those c&svs as a first offenco no 
troesass roports wore mado. 
orcupinos soem to have c6mo to- the Sorvilleta District 
in larc tumbors for wintering and consiaorable damage is 
being elono in the pin.n as wo  as the pine timber. I have 
hillod eloven in the last two months. 
About throe woMks ago a band Cf six wolvos killed 
n, horso near 2ctaca, and'I had tho very gooO. luck to see 
al six ,f then togothar, but had oually bad .luck in fall- 
ing to get one, &s I hood only my six gun. Lator the samo 
day I saw the band again a short distance south of Sor- 
villota but they wore too far away to maka connections 
a~lthough I fired three shots at thom. Drcgo is being done 
through-out tho District, Lnd judging by the size of tho 
wolves they arc capable of working groat hardships on the 
P  M ;OI0NAL  1.01TIONTK   r 
vist from Assistant District Porostor is oxp!ctod 
before long. i.1r. 1orr Will gc, o'-rr the grazing work. 
Ranger Shartzor was on annual leave in Chamna during 
th? latter part of January. 
Do: uty f3u:.-orvisor 1Larsh has boon in Albuqueruo for 
fouo days on leave. H( is now on a timber sale and 
gon ;.ral administrative trip ..n the Taos Division. 
Ragor Rulbort has rc: turn:w& from his trip to tho 
Lineoln coountryo