0                  WASHINGTON 
D-3, Supervision                           March 10, 1914. 
District Forester,                                  / ' . 
Albuquerque, Ii. Mex. 
Dear Sir: 
Your letter "D (0) Personnel, marsh, R.B." of 
February 17 was received and reply has been delayed in order to allow Mr.
Potter to discuss the proposed personnel changes with you at the Salt Lake
It has been found unnecessary to transfer the $1,600 Supervisorship vacated
by Mr. Greene to District 2. I approve therefore your filling this position
by the promotion of Raymiond B. Marsh from Deputy Supervisor at $1,500, provided
you agree that Mr. Leopold's statutory place at 1,800 be no longer held for
him. If on the other hand you feel that there is a possibility that Mr. Leopold
will return to duty and can assuine tle Supervisorship of tne Carson, I can
not approve Mr. M, arsh's promotion at this time. If you decide to fill Leopold's
place and promote Marsh, it is .ny suggestion that this $1,800 position be
given to Forest Exaainer Mullen upon his assuming the Supervisorship of the
Manzano-Zuni. If this action is taken it does not of course preclude the
possibility of 11r. Leopold's returning to duty in the Service, but simply