TimberJ C-at &Arnj-z   wi~            t~-' 
S, 071.d                5  15  f tj                  3   ,1) 
in                                  bal Jb'ronS  (d-   t cn1s I 
was only tcrnmor&:ery  n 'r c. 2 ive       wdtiviio  agai -n be rernmec

in the linbeCX  t2 e. YLP~O. >~  .~cIte      '' 
My'- CokL J1~ n  th o hKLs xo4u2-vh  nI  t2C3J.5  of thi-; - 
o p e r t i.o ns , j n o -b- e a *c S; 11iotfo hU J1:G tnor, &t the nnill
l ogging  op e i: J  ,-  ~ io er4:  (1.;  1 --',I;oU-  -~~S i~ C,   IX 1
0 f 
who hkS iMportood :Ixn  7o&V) -    04ZOf~OC te2~  4-Ogthbt 
with energetio          crggin  ,; i !ATIC. itr 
14t 4  ez ~pe~ t e -'- I wt h he rb ceonnL  in IrL2mx 
thL~t &t~OOGf~Vill be) logF~co  t;r m'loe 6k1Y 
Mr~ Cornklin        ; ne  irad of  ?Lt'V 'he mercy  oi fthul 
Mexio. ti'hneCwh          nwr hn       the notation stri7-.eE 
t hem  The top~y      - am s L r e n o -, oi~ n~ C o " 31f the h -mling
,the inhe      r.t    tho   lhr:etinĀ§g. of ;hac~h h~.s )i t him to 
too imich q~pense, ~~ tnha jwm,3t 
CDn Qeo1 s. ~~,191    "_11c m f         tor lo;'c; 
4/2 4/2) - Thc, t,.                init0rI-io"  firye  _-LLro for 
the completion of bl-  ~c    ~c     c  f'or &~r, ~ormal cu- o-e, 
le & bt  1O O~O  1 -, t  *  3.  *'                CI  -' 
his nill zr~ boo       rQ 0o y~ :e -m    1 e o'" Y 0 e ymbe r  The 
t imber i _ et 7 d C d  n to t h.xe sc~~t tr.ctza and~ from' th1ree to 
five mill etq will be   orw:inc"Ier to economic&lly v~ 
the timbe'r, 
Thie   e~1 "rl j. 1 n 0. for tho111            J'A. -Bi tio  the o-y

01 anmad<   -el pts foIr tLO rac%-t  i''UY7& 
benefiti wl~   lie                           LL L3 V~O~~  _Lo~to~  o  tw

the Sur.ahlia,  -YL Fy 
T~he-                  S;----, -'hCL:o  p CCc , "p  >4c i-2,  aev.posts

posts are bcirq3 Zt    c t', th h  o~ cf c' sohs eron  )i dwill 
be ship a',. to i.;i tct   S>i1.t. 
Thte olaort :O-r  f tim-rber st>l*e 2 2rcencaat I;vno senat -to the 
Solicitor for hiE;ThruL     on 0-t-br K  3-       ac ;:prve_ 
Prj ioa,0  z   -the           01  -1*,-i(,  an of)'v  d 
it will 'be i     :e o~r enr&   o'on t  .-    on2    or-t 
Sop~y of 1 ori. 202, n~ ~   7. 1:u5, 9    - roeaired 
in this offica oil QC:obo 3&., tKi       ~   1~err 
DX'ovenernt cqcr time f ooe  It is        tht,-t  i;c.-o vRe d 
f o rm  w:Ll1   b e  s , .  z-n  t ; )Yb   - ',  :- "' o ( '  t . i1n
C ct  V- 1,  - 31ti ] .Cr t -  '