Timber out during last mcntl" 289,000 ft, B.M, value .828.74 
" old                      100 Linoarft, &        4,25 
9 cords firewod 
Number of sales made during last month, 4. 
From March 2 to March 8$ Yaberman Wynne of the 
District Office was assigned to this Forest for the pur- 
pose of adjusting one timber sale as well as to make a check 
scale and general-inspection of tho several sale areas. 
Xro Wynne was very favorably impressed by the A. 
Philipp sale on which he made a check scale of two hundred 
logs. H said that it was the first time oxoopt on the 
larger sales of District Throe that he was able to check scale 
an even hundred lzgs without skirminshi.ng all over the woods, 
Assistant Forest Rangor Rassell was           oonrpli- 
mented on his able and effioont mothod of soaling logs, 
The Carson was very glad to have Lumberman Wynno inspect 
our work ana hope he may be able to come back this summer 'when 
the weather"is more agreeable for field worki as it is feared 
he obtained an orroneous idea of the climatio conditions of 
Northern Now leaioo, 
The fence post and cord wood season is now about 
over for this winter. It was very oncouraging to see the 
Rangers increaso the number c*f cordwood salhs on their did- 
tricts and especially to ha'va made some sales on all Ranger 
Districts save onI. On tro   of the districts before this 
year cordwood sales seemed to have been entirely unkown, 
In order to assiet this off..co, kindly rep rt on 
all sales as soon as the timbor is removed so that the rev- 
cords may be closed in the files.  Some of tho Rangers have also 
omitted the date of closure on the Timber Sale agreament which 
necessitated the return of the papers for completion. The note 
on Form 202a  (Give    .of col  '.always let da     of came 
month) should alwayabeTfllowod out In mRkIng out this form, 
The heavy snow atorms of th., past throe weeks havo 
completely bloc'ed all the wagon roads leading to the railroad 
so that the mill mon.are unable to market their finishcd 
product. As a result the ties are boing banked ar-,und the 
mill where ever there is room. 
The l>gging on the A. Philipps sale will be com,-, 
pleted within a few woeeksunlos3 the weather conditions become 
tpo unfavorable. It is hopod that MrX Philipp will imm;diately 
take out a new sale on this Forest, for we wuld be very sorry 
to lose this hustling, campĀ° 
Mro Jazper F, Ortiz, of Ortiz, Oolo. has made appli- 
cation for approximately 500,000 ft. n. M.# of saw timber along 
the Los Pines River. He does rot intend to do anything until 
late this spring.  It is Mr. 0rtiz ' in:tention to sell hi  shep 
and devote hio entire time to the ix:;' usineas, 
The latest reports from the A.. Wissmath & Sons sawmill 
show that they have cloed down all op*,rationa until Jine I on 
account id the depth if snow and the ztormy weath g,