Santa Fe,New Mexico. 
February 11-5,1914. 
To the Officers of the Carson: 
In my letter to the January Pine 
Cone I mentioned the quostion of bringing our paper out in such 
a way as to make it tf the greatest possible value and interest 
to every one of us. In this oonneotion i think it worth while to 
quote from the first issuethat of Juno,   1011,Supervisor Hall's 
statement of what the Pine Cone is for. Those lines will live to 
be a classic in the annals of the Carson Forest: 
" It' is hoped that when this CONE is opened 
it will scatter the seeds of knowlodgeponoouragoment, 
and enthusiasm among the members of the foroeand 
create interest in the work. 1.ay these seeds fall on 
fertile soiland each and every one gcrminatogrowand 
" The subscription prico of this publication, 
which will be issued on the 15th of each monthis 
your good will..............# 
The PINE CONE belongs to you, so*** and is 
issued solely to further the interests of the Forest 
Service. Thoroforeif you take pride in your workif 
you are proud of your uniform and of the badge you wear, 
contribute your mito to help make it a success and you 
will soon be proud of this little paper." 
Ylow put this in your pipe of aontomplation, and smoke itt 
and I think you will agree with me that we have reason to be 
proud of our little paper. Four long years agowhon the Pine Cone 
was founded on the Forest, there were about twonty~five Forost 
publications in this District,conceived in the spirit of the work, 
and dedicated to the proposition that every Service man has 
something to learn from his follow. There are two of these 
twenty five still on duty, tho Apache News and the Pine Cone. W hy? 
Because in the rush of everyday workthe men of the Apache and 
Carson have taken the time to contribute their mite of interest 
to its success. Lot us shako with our Apache brothors,with hands 
across the sand! Nor is our assertion made in a boastful spirit, 
but in humility to seek a better fulfilment of our aims and purposes. 
Of course we have all boon remiss at times. Not infrequently 
the district news items have been snowed in, and still oftener 
we of the office have failed to got around to the month's issue. 
But lot us hope for better times. Nobody ever says so,but all of 
live in hopes for the time when" the rush is over," when we can

do all that we want to do,with the regularity of the alarm clock 
that wakes us in the morning