But at present we are not troubled with grazing trespass 
on this District, as this unusual general snow which has so 
porsistently stayed with us has driven practically all stock f 
from the Forest Range, and those who arc so fortunate as to have 
both stock and food, have them both in the same corral now. 
A good chance for Corral counts. 
rho prospects look good for the spring range, but will 
the winter leave us anything to stock it with? However the prn..- 
ing applications havo come in in good shape, and rie have quito 
a niumbor of now applicants. 
Not wishing our very compotont Conoral Utility .an an~r nAe3O 
grief, but as for us we would cay,lot the "Spike Driving"Editor

continue the good work, for ho doosont miss the nail every time 
by any moans, for we considerod the Docomber number of the Pine 
Cone an interosting one, and we enjoyed roading it very much. 
.o wore entertained a. f cv evenings past by Rangers Perry 
and Shartzor. They each havQ a finc now phonograph.  o regret that 
our telephone system does not extend this same dolirhtful priv- 
ilgo to the Taos, Nuecta end Jicarilla Districts. 
Those delightful "shower baths" which the Geological Survey 
throw in with the Guago Height readings these frosty mornings 
are FLI. 
Sorvillota District. 
ThIoy all told us that we would be onoaod in ) 
long before this if we attempted to winter at tho C(w Crook 
'tation; well,figurativoly speaking we are, with grazing appli- 
cations,lambing ground descriptions,summor area namos,descriptions 
otc., Yo, the weather on my office desk is much worse than it 
is outside. 
Tho cattle and horseebusineas is looking up on this Dis- 
trict a little, and some slack has been gained in tho shcop ap- 
plications. There is still however, some room for cattle and I 
So far, in .nito of the fact that a Government hunter has 
been on the job for the past three a id a half months, and that 
there is a Stockmns bounty of 7O offerod, the wolf continues 
to prey upon colves and colts without having so much as lost one 
from hio band. There arc more wolves in the country now than 
ever before, and unless some one gets busy the loss in the spr- 
ing will be very heavy. 
The volume of Free Uko business has been very much lighter 
this winter than lastduo mostly to the Free Use Area propositon. 
'he posting and looking after thono Proas, of which there arc 
six on this District, is a very emall item an compared to the 
issuance of permits in the old way. 
A couple of salos of wood and posts have rocentlym1been nade 
at Zrevillota Station, for shipment to the San Luin Valley, and 
it is likely that ovoral more will be made in the near future. 
'7o onjoyod a short but most woloomod visit from the Acting 
Supervisor on the Oth of January.