The  eonnaio  anco Party ib WOinO excellent 
progress and 10 tow 0amped at the head of the Los Pines 
River.   Be it said for the benefit of those who have 
not boon there, that tho head of the Los Pines is rough 
country, and eight miles a day caddicorner over th f-H!Tils 
Ts somewhat in excess of what would be prescribed for 
Molly-ooddlos.   But the boys are doing it, and whats 
more, they have made a record for low cost.   In the 
first month of cruising, 72,000 acres wore covered at a 
cost of only 1.8 cents per acre.   The writer has cruised 
a bit himself in his time, and I doubt if over a party 
chief attained so low a cost per acre for the first month, 
which of course is always attended by the heavy initial 
expenses of traveling, equipping the crew, and getting 
them into the field.   The PINE CONE extends congratulations 
to Mr. Marsh and his party for their excellent showing. 
It appears that the instructions in Circular 
$21 dated June 21, have not been fully understood by 
the field men.   The letter restricts the Free Use 
privilege, excluding the residents of towns who are not 
developing a ranch or claim, but does not affoct those 
who are clearly eligible to Free Use under the regulations. 
Wherc an applicant for Pree Use is clearly eligible it 
is the policy of this office &nd the intent of the reg- 
ulations to grant him al the Free Use he needs. 
This will generally fAlwithin thefenty dollar limit 
as is shown by the fact that the average Free Use permit 
for the past fiscal year had a valuation of only Q4.90, 
but if a man actually needs more than twenty dollars 
worth, simply make out - permlt-a mail to this office 
for the signature of the Supervisor with a short letter 
oxplaining the case.   If it appears that the apnlicant is 
entitled to and in need of the matericl, the permit will 
be signed and returned to you for action. 
Dead material should of course always be used 
whore practicable. 
The threshing out of 314 bushels of En&leman 
Spruce and Douglas Fir cones collected last fall at Taos 
has been completcd by Guard R. W. Teyers.   12 sacks of 
seed (not completely cleaned) have been obtained, weigh- 
ing about 360 pounds.   All this seed will bc sowed during 
tie coming fall.   The seed separator has been taken down 
ana will be moved to Tres Piodras.