P 0 L I C Y. 
Forest officer will be reported as 'satisfactory' in the 
semi-annual personnel rating, or as Class A or Class B 
under Sec. 7 of Form 418 (Civil Service Efficiency Re- 
port) who has been derelict of duty in game and fish work 
since the date of last report. On the other hand, good 
work will be duly credited, 
4. Indiscretions and Attitude toward the Public. 
Obviously a first essential to efficiency in game 
and fish work is a rigid and inflexible observance of 
the letter of the law and the spirit of good sportsman- 
ship by the Forest officer himself.   Indiscretions, 
such as acceptance of presents of unlawful "mutton" must 
be avoided. Minor infractions of the law suab as stretch- 
ing the size limit on fish, delay in personally obtaining 
proper license, the unlawful killing of small game for 
meat, etc. will seriously affect a Forest officer's 
standing and usefulness.   Infractions of the law will be 
cause for removal. 
Of equal irnortance is the Forest officer'- person- 
al attitude toward members of the public. A Forest of- 
ficer is expectea to use the same tact and judgm.e in 
the enforcement of the s-ame laws that he 'oe  in the en- 
forcement of the National Forest regulations.   This 
means that he cannot countenance disrespect for the aims 
and principles of tX  game and fish work without a pro- 
test, nor should he pass by an expression of support of 
those aims and p-rinciples without arpreciation. It also 
means the.t he should not publicly e:press personal 
o-inions about officers with whom he is cooDeratinp.