l. To prevent gullying of plowland 
(a) Plow on contours, rather than up and dovn slopes. 
1b) Terrace steepislopes with rock walls, logs, or embankments. 
.0) Do not remove natural brush or sod frofr watercourses. 
C-';   e especially watchful while land lies fallow. 
(e)t While irrigating see that water does not spill off in such 
a way as to start gullies, .. 
2, To oheck guliies in-plowland 
(W) Do not burn tumbleweedd that accumulate in gulles. 
(b) Install check dams, plant willows or- *fill with brush, or- 
chard-prunings, straw, or bld.Qgg . 
3. To oontroi bank cutting by streams 
(a) Leave, a frnge of tlmehe  n  brusb on creek bank and on 
° vperside of    e     'D'tgrae so hdrd9s~to kill this 
brush; if necessary fence off the bank and plant willOws. 
Timber alone will sometimes ot )olde:-, 
(bji Icurrent is.defleoted toward the bank, blow upthe'ob- 
staoie that deflects it, or turn it back by felling trees 
and chaining them to their own stumps, "or uiin  Jiackstraws 
(Figs. I & II). 
jqci If, current_ is rAwnitg parallel, ' use ipp'"inwire, or 
;Asnt ings.,j singly or in comb.natior. See Fig'-:II & IV. 
4a To preserve haymeadows and cienegas 
-jay Dontt a gully in or near the~meadow.  Even a dis- 
tant.. gully may drain aid rin a haymeadowi 
-    : 4.  ;   . -,                                . -  , 
(b) If necessary to plov -furrows to drain .off watet for niowing, 
fill them agglZ after moving is done. Leaving suhh furrows 
-has spoiled many a fine meadow, 
(o).Drained.meadowsscan often be restored to a -cienega condition 
by comletv: heek-da =Gs, of the streambed, spreading the 
flow over the whole bottom,