e            A      einew Mexico as per this 'osnos, 1916--     170 he, 
Nmr of "jt1@pe in New Mxioo a per Boloj4Ql 
Su v y Con .v  1910 -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. .-. .-. -  -  IbO 
Number of Antelope In NOV Mexico a estimat  by State 
Ga Wrde, Nov. 30, 1914-                               -2000 head. 
(IE           o                           at th rate of 2,5 
hed pr s    e  me os        le rW       -  - -.. ...      ,P had 
1rewit Antelope population as per this oensua -........ 
Frobable perentage    rea  to date- -..      ..    .     - - 
0 Distribution of Antelpe 
- her   u o y or        on Datiua   orests, per hard.1 I h&A, 
6 herds i feacad patres                    per herd 0127 head, 765 he4 
p~~~r4 hEe5ahad 
(D) Condition of gerds 
5      reporte as inareaking (*Z of these ur  in fe 
Nuber reported a   tati   y   ..      -.  .  .-.       ...      -6 herds

lmr reported as                                                  S herds

Duber woe conditio ia  n...            "40 herd 
~   total "ar    in Now Nal1 o ultabXe for &atelope-  - 60,0( ,000
Poaeit total acreage in New biiestocked with aute1e- -..-.. ..... ...0, 
Perasntage oJ7 £@reaoe iu rg-                                     95%