L A W7 S. 
The Act of June 29, 1906 (34 Stat. 607), (an Act 
for the protection o. wild animals in the *Gran-_ Canyon 
Forest Reserve) reads as follows: 
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re-pro. 
sentatives of the Unite, States of America-,in Congress 
assembled, T1hat the President of the United States is 
hereby authorized to designate such areas in the Grand 
Canyon Forest Reserve as should, in his opinion, be set 
aside for the protection of gCme animals and be recog- 
nized as a breeaing :lace therefor. 
Sec. 2. That when such areas have been designated 
as provided in section one of this Act, hiin=, trap- 
ping, killing, or capturing of game animals u-on the 
lands of the United Stateswithin the limits of said 
areas shall be unlawful, e.:ept under such regulations 
as may be prescribed from time to time by the Secretary 
of Agriculture; and any per on violating such regula. 
tions or the provisions of this Act shall be deemed 
guilty of a misdemeanor, ana shall, upon conviction, 
be fined in a suma not exceeding one thousand ;Iollars, 
or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, 
or shall suffer both fine and imn-risonment, in the dis- 
cretion of the court. 
Sec. 3. That it is the purpose of this Act to 
protect from trespass the public lands of the United 
States and the game animals which may be thereon, and 
not to interfere with the operation of the local game 
laws as affecting private, State, or Territorial 
While the question has never come before any court 
for a decision, it is believed that public lands within 
a National Game Refuge set aside under the authority of 
this Act are not subject to appropriation under the 
*The "Grand Canyon Forest Reserve" of June 29, 1906 iS 
that described by the second proclamation dated Iay 6, 
1905, which included the present Kaibab, anii :ll the 
present Grand Canyon Division of the Tusayan e-cept 
that iart lying east of Lon-:. 111 degrees 45 minutes W., 
and also the present public domain north of Lat. 35 de- 
grees 45 minutes and east of Lat. 112 degrees 45 minutecto 