T-0'011 oOn ut rdl3. 
&"ant _. 1Uo.;: ljoo:,oi1,  C ho. Gi lboart    Ortiz, Colo, 
Canj~o~,Y~ooout,  Joe I oUillivne, Tr.   0C.nJiloi.,  .v 
Gold TilTo~~            Goore M.tz            2uoIa,  *:r 
T2-o-n T-oohoit       Roy Ver.,ao., GU                  no::. 
For fliera Gt'L'rdo. 
]Jicolcej Vir'A1                               Ortiz, Co1o. 
G. Pu. ;,ebbo0:r                               Taod ?lohado,*- 
Joz-o-,h -.0ou1horc                             -lizett~  .rt 
Noritz Yioltle                              "oteo. e,  * 
U                    flEDITOIIiJ1 
It is with oo'lsideabio mtief.otion i ht theo 2)u- 
pervisor'f.; o:Zxioe i~e, :iblo tt this time to ths a-1 ovm .co t-he 
roao-zico o .-  o *-iro C'o*:.e, after v r~vspe: io- 0: for 
6i;eo    1. that jmlr 1 pf "'od. 
In' acoor(!zi.ce withm * a:± (r-os o23 Of  r Orvile.or TO~ 
*%o 1'o3c- of r:dtle nf-tnre of t.±o oonrtont, o-,~ io  in~ the 
~';ino C o :-l vill 1: -.1o wise bea -nodi eL 2  b~ -WIio ra im  02 o~  0

1-1o,-tJ Off ico Deprvrtriont or.otocl in: Carror . Orar, :c' -o. 1>1,-.
k-'s~:o have bee . informeod  vh.o 71:7o Co":ie will be --'.iled v Ctier

While the decired -no'-revr hes -aot boon mr.4o oiit~ 
WorLin -  -Yl.ri, v rolle anawral :ire ,- hvn hcrc not boo-i 00o'>.loted,

rot~ine. worl': hr.-u beon 7.-'to~nCod to more or levs ;-rirotuall 
cXit iv  bolieved t1j.v'U :the "1 a C.-ine will i-on, .7no~   ro'm 
1--.     one, dinak'riot newsD lettore wiere forwcnrded In th~e 
S-pri:i.s whioh were n2ot -bliahod a:id will not 1)e -ov aa t'le- 
L r e o iat Of d'ate.  T'.owevor it is felt that, there lotters are 
avor i      oiy-part of th'ai -i  I.   - O  (I d jis t rzi 
are Vlieiofore ur-ed to rosume  Z Loucbnisonion oi thes~e let- 
tat vith"A nozct inornth a..( to nuil thenr so th:-will      t,~o 4t
of-.ioo by t.e twelfth oZ e6;oh morth if -,osv.xle. 
U ~thoruph1 thAe fire , ale nt :ot aini rlhod- -o2 !a*,or-- 
it is ao'-ul1*y worldn- i-i prc.otioe anid ve hp  tha~t V-:C~ 
theo worst of. the  ire dza'ver is ovoro   eoso      afford to 
relax our vi ,Iloanoe at ail 2owovar, ovon if.A we are beihr- fc-