appointee direct two blank co-;ies of the oath of office, 
and his commission. One of these oaths should be prompt- 
ly executed before two witnesses (execution before a 
notary not necessary) and returned to the State Vlarden 
direct. Upon execution of the oath the commission be- 
comes effective. Unon comnletion of the appointment, 
the appointee should notify the Supervisor by letter 
an e:tra copy for the District Forester. 
Supervisors wlill be held responsible for promptly 
securing commissions for new appointees who, under the 
policy laid down in Par. 2, should be required to  t 
as deputy state game wardens. 
Supervisors should report to the District Forester 
in duqlicate the names of commissioned men who resign 
or who leave the state, in order that the State Game 
Uarfden can keep his list of de'-uties up to date. 
Appointment a- license collector will be made only 
where re~ulr collectors are so inacce- sible as to en- 
courage genernl disreg,?d of license requirements. 
Even unc-er such conditions, it i3 preferable to induce 
private parties to accept appointment or to make in- 
forma! arrangement 1 7ith regul.r license collectors to 
secure books and is-sue licenses. In New Me-ico the 
apointee must furnish bond in the sum of $)500. 