This is             -e -M-1 e rcord for lr. Thsell1Is 
s c Ii n~ 7,in th e e svu~3 P iI s a1-1;iis ob v Io us ta t ','A. GooC:e

w  not ri,.ht ir Is, c'I~,~i'Uth&t ax,. ovei-13cale wt,8 
bein~ errt- onx Liz i tle. 
~. 2i~i~:;;.e of :j/18/11 vm cloee op June 22; 
1 f2 6 04i0 f . at "a- vi r  'a beer cE!o e  n cm  )_I Id '*or  The
e o- 
~~~~~~~~0                  -0ssl  J:C  o'12.J*  feet, more or 
le-aa, t1-US shiovr-inr ' t. vezood eotimate i~been trr~e. 
I~u er~r ~ ~~e re-ro tedt t~lz  thiae s~Le &re&a 1.t& been 
Wall znn    'eCS   L    txdi     of generLl aiynnistr,-;1on 
an  brzst., cdiosal vis eqoual to o,' Lny s-411 
a~le      lip, h  h~r. oaotxl'on to v4*sit In t'A-. z-Wi s At riJcV* 
Inuires Inave recently, 7-)n receilve-C fro)m the It- 
juntaL :..5ea !"Iinn2 Co., ooacernir.- tie nurchase of de&A ard

:7reen cordw~ood, fo., the operation of h* eix *ro~oseC mill. 
If this com-ar.i,, fully Cevelo-p' tiielr 'iresnt -rojertiea 
t~ey will corsae 8 to 10 cords -,)e:. whic? will. rei'n 
F. MG17et for tl'e v~t quwntitiez~ ofA m~t~ure i r( over--Ltuie 
'inion on this 71orest. 
10~' oec&a, pol3ts rear Caiovc "'-itch. -"rir'ir eor- 
siiercble cedtr is Shi-'ee to *Ire lsen Yul., Vella- fo 
feoin- :nur-)ofe~ 
fl-],rr 'before ).e~virv   C~ trear. 1e .t a 
rne-orand= conccrnir- the vener-al ti -bar s3.lG ror': or 
tiu:  -res'W-  Or~e of ti.;e -:irltlrai   tht!' he Cis- 
oufose; , -the V. aMoumt o_  wlxi>mwrUrbeT lhA7le to 
r.- WOstef., L~ &- rocult of the sere 'i storn of 1tust 
this~ timbez oouNC be sc.veC by ma I:i    Ste o0j -)Ol  tie 
inmtriel. frorp V e =.J or )ortion of thJ a areb; tLL fia 
a~tZe  to &vconlish &aale o0.. ths 1 :IT ret c~.reful atv 
04, the c-rourc. should '--  '.e -y the C',;t' 1 'mrers o-A 
t..te '.-rillt, -A-vicion;        :!tht n oi~er to be Lble to 
~~eia-  o ' this teo'.-n m~~IUt ri tt be Le'vis&ble to 
raduce th.Ie stumpa a              1 -oe  rathar e-Ttensive operL- 
tio': woulC_ be n~eoes4iy to s(e-uze 4.' : C   tte.. 
full- E~cixejn't- th',e..selve3 mlltk:'!'   coneicder&ble 'bo~les of

this ~o~   timflbe2 '.hile doing  tir.'elerO  &Cmindstra- 
tiv'e iorlz, in orteor t'k:.! ir (,Le It iJe +osbot     ~'* 
2 r o e c i ve wx~ d' ,se r s  1  .t d. e  fi it e i r f o rnat Ionv wi 
2' e -.*orm 977, meor  S~ eed Crop olf ?oz'eat  zeR 
W&Saze:.Zin revise, Decer~1xr 1., 1911, ~cn  a surly1 of s&rae 
Wil' be :-&ilc4 to all :_ oreut Off.iceis 6s so~on ajE they 
i&re reeive  fxom the !*Au:'-L Ze not. 
The irnforaition e~ll&   for in this !149.1ort is to be 
aroal eoir-ee b7. eco.T Rt-nger iuri*'r his ref-hzlr 
fie 16 v;or'A.