TAie first meeting of the officers of the Carson Jatlonal 
Forest ended on October 4. It is felt that the meeting was in 
every way a success, and another meeting is definitely planned 
for 1913, unless prevented by unforeseen circumstances. The 
PINE 10BE wishes to thank every officer of the Forest for the 
hearty ecoperation and participation, which alone enabled the 
meeting to be a source of benefit and satisfaction to all who. 
attended. The resolutions paased by the meeting have been 
trnsmitted to the District Forester and have been &c!hxowled . 
by him, and the Resolution Committee were commendod for the d- 
cise and excellent manner in which the resolutions were drawn 
Assistant District oroeStor A. C. "aha attended the meet- 
ing for two days, and his comments and suggestions wore very 
much appreciatce. 
PEnS orNL. 
The PINE ?CKE announces with regret the trcnsfer o 
LS8stunt ira T. Yarnell from the Carson to the Petoe ?orest, 
effective Novembor 1. :r. Yarnall's services on the Carson 
have been charactorived by consistent excellence, which hLa 
made hinm an invaluablo memberz of the Forest force. While we 
regret to have 1tr.Y~rnall leave the Carson, his position on the 
Pecos is one of responsibility a our beat wishes go with him 
to his now field of work. 
Forest Aasistnt Raymond D. ::arsh, who has been Chief of 
Party durin:, the lest two     season's Reconnaissance vork on 
the C&rson, hts boon promoted to Deputy Forest Supervisor b4 
Sermanently asigned to tha Carson, tc fill the vacanc oau*ed 
y  '. Yarnall's transfer. The PINE COVE extends hery con- 
gTatulations to Xr. Xarsh cn his promotion. The excellence of 
Mr. Irsh's work during the past two years is well knewu to the 
officers of this Forest, and the Carson is to be oongrutnlatod 
Cn Mr   ersh's permanent asignment here. 
Forest Clerk lillian M. Sutherland has been wrented leave 
vithout pay for a pori,;d of six months, beginning- Noember 1. 
Miss Sutherl nd expects to spend her leave in the Bust, and 
will leave Tres Pidras on Norember . 
Forest Clerk U. L. Pfefferla has been tranferred from 
the Sila officze at Silver City to fill tl* 'oezioy left 1by 
Miss utherlani. 
Forest Rangor U. D. Parker of the boos National Porest 
has boen transferred to the Servilleta District of the Carson, 
effective ovember 1.