DivIion 6urint* the coming f~.II,  _ h~lf on zhe hw".illa 
Sheoheidors are beginning to feel b&dly t;bo-ut tll 
the oodgr~ gr.o oing to wa.,to on the wxinter r nno-, 
and .re crowdine down from th6 higher r&nge-&.to prevent the 
occurrence of euch 4 cot, . ,tro-,he.  Of Coomi:- whaen 0-; permittec 
wants to  ro off the 2"o-rogu t. rc is nothinv we ot.fl Co, but it 
is a good plLn to siave until lttor ns much of the vointex r~nge 
on the 'o;-c.+ r,. possible.  It   liozed t"Lat several of the men 
realize this a-nd L-re acting aocordinC.1y. 
i4hettsr# 4delinruent gr~zers were on the lis~t o ne- 
toluI*az 1, but &s & resullt of the prompt &otion of the fiela

men in resionse to letterz from thiz of . ice, the number has 
alres..dy been out down nearly h _lf. It IS  ot- that the good 
worl. will continue. R'*-wember thitt failure on the 'it ofth 
delinquents to "COnv 1iArough"l 4n -,1.e T n. fut fwill 
me " a Tresogas Rcpoyt iia Lis C&SO, tnd TL-e~pOP Rocportis a=e

no fun, either for you or for thiL of'ice. 
Dii -'vr -rezinp: report fc:- the ('ubrter enCdin,- OctOrr 
1, pleaze Ciseusi the sLltinc! quection *nc 'nh~t you h,,ve 
accomplished &lonr th~.t line. 
You V'wlve eoubtlesc, roceivee ly thitz time '- 
vision" 1011tev -);" Sep7entr 10, t~l in - u-  the .1reliminary

plans for inaugur ,tinr the s;'ztem of Ii~~~     he    io~ 
T',:e,,public, the permittees anC~ the DIstrIct Q~~' 
til ~ewtteinq our pro-resz in 1%fldling thi S ll-import .nt 
Droblem, knd nerxt ye~r will pz;,zs veicict on the zeults4, Flrd 
Eo rkt  ount judgment, an6 full coopcr~tion by every one 4nd 
all of us will be essentia to oux- aecess. It i~s ok-case 
Of "   T $O IT." 
T IL; 5P A71 3 
Twvo trozpass CaScS have recently been work~ed un-- 
Joz-o JU111-11 Sion os "'or ;;ruzin,* without permit 17 heLat of 
sheep on the Ctvezto  itc.    ..4 -2oL-.:fnr% I.ope", :o± rra~

in- 100 hezA of .c .ttle on 11o A"u  Cre~:: w,,rct     4zsnzt 
Pay permit on the same.  Sever. ± uher ctst have been discov- 
ered  _nd Settled Lon an unintentionul basis by the tresptsers 
taking: out a permit. Rhn;z,)r Iij,,4Lt is di~i;oustl 
some more on the TL~OgCi~j 
The CLabrosto Fishinz' C~ub ht.: £.pijad lor  pci) 
Use permit T~O CuIlti a.Sni"lJ czbin- on the Tc.oo Dirutrict , to 
be uQed Ls a clubhouse.    e   utio     Xo   i   o  hhr 
the  se souldbe  aid for as 'a FCt)nt1  )r 
Since tho UL'c ., *snon-co=erci~j it was decided the pa&yment 
should be the B&Me as' for a cabin, "k5.00 per yTeC